11. mumps

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STEVE HARRINGTON THUMPED LOUDLY ON THE FRONT DOOR OF THE WHEELER RESIDENCE. Normally, he wouldn't be so eager to have to meet his girlfriend's parents. But as it turns out, he wasn't here to meet them formally - he was here for her blonde cousin who liked to tease his hair and show him how to be a better person.

He prayed beyond belief that Nancy wasn't here. He wasn't ready to see her just yet. Truthfully, he did feel bad for the entire incident, the embarrassment of it mixed with the hurt he felt over her spending time with Jonathan was enough to make him not yet ready to see her.

A woman he didn't know opened the door, looking at him in slight confusion. Her eyes scraped over his appearance and the plastic bag in his hand.

"Can I help you?" She asked politely. The longer he stood there, the more he noticed her similarities to Nancy. It was true, beauty was genetic.

"Y-yeah, is Ringo here? I'm a friend of hers," he stammered, his eyes looking over the woman's shoulders to locate the girl in question.

"A friend," Karen echoed with a smirk, wondering if this was the fellow Ringo went on a date with before. "She's in her room, it's the second door on the right."

Steve thanked her quickly, before rushing past her and jogging up the stairs to reach the room before anyone else could stop him.

"We keep the doors open in this house!" Karen called protectively up from the first floor, prompting Steve to chuckle in amusement. If only she knew how often he had been here already, and how he knew exactly which room was theirs.

Steve had the decency to knock beforehand, three quick raps against the door before opening it. Thankfully for them both, she was fully dressed and not in a compromising position. Instead, she was spread out on her cot, headphones covering her ears and the faint sound of music emitting in the background.

Ringo had her eyes closed, but upon sensing a presence, opened them immediately and shot up in bed in fright at the sight of her guest.

The blonde teenager ripped the headphones from her head, throwing them onto her pillow and stood up abruptly. She began wagging her finger accusingly at him.

"Get out, now!" Ringo exclaimed, her voice thick with emotion.

"Ringo, please just hear me out," Steve begged, taking a step toward her which she instantly took backwards. "Look, I'm really sorry okay?"

"Oh, is this you saying it or Tommy?" She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow boldly. Steve sighed and nodded his head in acceptance.

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