4. a spasm

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After the boys had explained to Ringo they legitimately had found a young girl in the woods, dressed as such, she was once again pacing the floor, trying to decide what to do.

While she did this, the boys were busy nosily asking her about every little thing that came to their head.

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" Dustin asked, causing the eldest of the group to whirl around with wide eyes.

"What the hell, Dustin! Shut up!" She scolded him, which he recoiled sheepishly at.

"Did you run away?" Lucas interjected, her eyes darting between the three boys each time one asked a question.

"We can't tell your mom, because then she'll know you were out of the house," Ringo muttered to herself, wringing her hands. "But on the other hand, she could probably get her some help."

"Are you in some kind of trouble?" Mike ignored his cousins rambling.

"Is that blood?" Lucas gasped.

"Blood?!" Ringo shouted, turning and shoving the boys aside to look at her. "Oh my god blood, what if she's a fugitive? You can't trust kids these days you know? I read in the news about this boy who killed his family. Oh my god, what if we're harbouring a murderer?!"

"Stop it!" Mike hit Ringo's bicep, "you're freaking her out!"

"But I'm freaked out!" Ringo hit him back, half as hard as he hit her.

"I bet she's deaf!" Dustin called, leaning forward to prove his theory and smack his hands. When she recoiled, he leaned back and looked to the rest of the group, "okay, not deaf."

"Okay, that's enough, all right?" Mike cut everyone off, taking over as leader of the group. "She's just scared, and cold."

Mike rushed over to the laundry basket next to the washing machine, while Ringo felt guilty for her freak out.

"Oh my god, you're probably hungry, I'll go get something!" She gushed, running off towards the stairs and taking two at a time.

"She's not a stray cat, Ringo!" Mike called to her, carrying over a handful of clothes towards the girl left on the couch. "These are clean clothes."

Ringo half-ran into the kitchen, bumping into Karen who just rounded the corner to leave. They met head on, Ringo gasping in shock.

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