32. the queen bee nazi

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RINGO WAS BEGINNING TO HATE THESE TRAIN TRACKS. She had spent the majority of her day walking along them, and now she would be spending the night as well. The only difference in the settings were that along with Steve and Dustin, came Lucas and Max.

Ringo shivered a little, from the previous scene or the cool, night air - she didn't know. After all, she had dressed for a 'casual date', not to hunt down monsters. She could only thank God that she had decided earlier to wear her Converse shoes instead of something uncomfortable.

Steve picked up on her shivering, hanging back so she could catch up to his side and walk together.

"You cold?" He asked, ready to take his jacket off.

"No," she denied, not wanting to be the girl that took the guy's jacket. She and Steve were one cliché away from being a horrible teen romance flick.

"Well, I doubt you have a motor neuron disease, so just take the damn jacket," he chuckled, giving his backpack to her so he could remove his jacket and hand it over to her. Once finished, he slipped his bag back onto his shoulders, now only covered by a thin sweater.

"Damn," she whistled, "next you'll be giving me a necklace with your initial on it."

Steve's eyes went wide while she wasn't looking, wondering how she knew exactly what he had planned on giving her for Christmas - a present he had planned already.

"Wow," he scoffed, "imagine I gave you something as lame as that. Hah! I would never."

"Well," she hummed, smirking at his deer-in-headlights expression, "as far as first dates go, you sure know how to make it unique."

"Tell me," he hung his free arm over her shoulder, a grin gracing his lips, "do you kiss after the first date?"

"Oh my god," Lucas gagged from in front of them, himself and Max turning around with equal expressions of disgust, "can you not jump each other while we're here?"

Ringo childishly stuck her tongue out at him, to which he responded to by copying her action. With that distraction over with, Lucas could turn back to Dustin and continue their conversation.

"You're sure it was Dart?" He clarified.

"Yes," Dustin revealed, "he had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt."

"But he was tiny three days ago," Max interjected.

"He's molted three times already."

"Malted?" Steve echoed.

"Like vinegar?" Ringo added in, trailing the tip of her axe lazily along the ground.

"Molted," the curly haired boy repeated. "He shed his skin to make room for growth, like hornworms. When he molts again soon, he'll be fully grown - or close to it. And so will his friends."

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