19 . 100% gas

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'LL BE MISSING SENIOR YEAR, BEATLE," Katie piped up from the back seat. The group of four were seated in Ronny's car, with Ronny himself and Ringo in the front and Jeff alongside Katie in the back. The blonde fought the grimace that threatened to form on her face from Katie's use of her newfound nickname, which the other girl knew full well that Ringo hated.

"Yeah, but I'm sure we'll write all the time, right!" She forced a smile on her lips, getting a dreadful sense that this was the last time the group would be speaking to her.

"Yeah," Jeff answered while everyone else nodded, the lack of enthusiasm was evident in all except Katie, but even hers appeared fake to a degree. She didn't dare to hold a false sense of hope that they'd stay in contact after she moved. The events the other night had lifted a veil from her eyes and allowed her to see just how true her friends were.

"I can't believe you threw up on your mom, that's so sick," Ronny smirked, but Ringo didn't share his amusement. Her actions had shamed her to death since it happened, almost two weeks ago, the only emotion overriding embarrassment was guilt. Now, she was seated in a car saying goodbye to the only friends she had over the last few months.

"Yeah," Ringo agreed weakly, "probably going to have to go for a Sober Summer until things cool down."

"That reminds me!" Katie spoke in a high pitched voice, "we have a present for you!"

"Really?" A warm smile crept its way onto her face, perhaps they truly did care. "You guys didn't have to do that!"

"Nonsense," Ronny cocked an eyebrow, reaching his hand behind him for Jeff to hand him the gift bag. Once retrieved, he passed it along to Ringo. She decided that it could have been a rock from the Floridian grounds and she wouldn't have minded, it was the thought that had counted.

But that was until she peered into the bag and realised they had gotten her the one thing she truly didn't want or need at that minute.

"Oh, it's a bottle of vodka," she exclaimed with fake excitement, swallowing down the slightly offended feeling that washed over her. "Thanks, guys."

"Only the best for you, Ringo," Jeff clapped his massive hand on her shoulder as she slipped the bottle back into the bag.

Deciding that she should end the farewell then, Ringo thanked them for being friends to her, subsequently making promises of staying in contact that she knew she'd never keep. When she stepped out of the car to head back inside her apartment building, Ronny began to drive off. And that was the end of it, simple and not at all homely.

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