37. the butthole

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RINGO TURNED ON HER FLASHLIGHT BEFORE SLIPPING DOWN INTO THE ENTRANCE. Before she did so, there was no light to speak of. But now that she could see, the tunnel positively took her breath away. It was a well-rounded tunnel, taking form in what she'd imagine being inside a human's gut would be like.

Dust particles floated through the air, likely the things that caused her to have to wear a bandana over her mouth in the first place. Steve soon dropped down after her with a heavy thud, standing upright and inspecting the tunnel with similar amazement.

"Holy shit," he remarked, looking around and doing a mental count to make sure all the kids were together.

"Uh," Mike said, shining his flashlight over the messily hand-drawn map, "yeah I'm pretty sure it's this way."

"Wow," Ringo drily commented, "you've convinced me."

"You're pretty sure or you're certain?" Dustin questioned.

"I'm 100% sure!" Mike snapped in return. "Just follow me and you'll know!" He turned to move off but was quickly interrupted by Steve.

"Woah, woah! Hey! I don't think so," he barked, stomping along the hard ground towards him. "If any of you little shits die down here, I'm getting the blame. Got it, dipshit?" Steve snapped the map from Mike's hands and began to step forward. "From here on out, I'm leading the way. Let's go!"

Ringo naturally fell behind a few steps, volunteering to take up the rear of the group to make sure nobody got lost or left behind while following Steve.

"Come on!" Steve demanded, the kids stepping as quickly as possible over the ridges in the ground. "Hey, a little hustle!"

"Shut up, dickhead," Ringo fired back, her voice echoing down. "I'm not about to fall flat on my ass!"

"Then next time let's do what I want to do and stay home!" He replied. Her mouth fell open in annoyance, before she eventually shrugged and nodded.

"Fair enough," she agreed.

She noticed that some areas in the walls and ground were splattered with something squishy and red, wincing every time she stood in it. It held the consistency of jelly, and if Ringo had to guess, she supposed it was the skin the demodogs were shedding every time they molted.

"Jesus Christ, this place is disgusting," she huffed, shuffling forward a little faster to avoid being left behind. Her quickened pace left her less careful of her steps, and the next time she stood on a discarded slab of skin, her converse shoe slipped.

With a small scream, Ringo fell forward with the trip, landing on her front directly on top of the dirt and slime. She paused for a minute in shock, her hands against the ground to stop her face from smacking against it.

"Ringo!" Steve shouted, turning swiftly around and backtracking to find her. He let out a small sigh of relief when his flashlight shone over her body on the ground, just as she was pushing herself up off the ground. "Are you okay?"

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