13. mystery inc

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"Jesus! What the hell was that? What the hell was that?" Steve screamed for what seemed like the millionth time, backing into the bedroom with the girls as Jonathan made sure the door was shut and secured tightly.

"Shut up!" Nancy and Jonathan whirled around and yelled simultaneously, while Ringo decided to take a less offensive approach. She felt partly guilty that he was here in the first place - after all, if she hadn't made him give her a ride to the Byers he wouldn't even be here.

"It's a big scary monster thing!" Was unfortunately all she could come out with at that moment, the sounds of screeching echoing through the wooden door causing her heart to hammer in her chest. It was a sound unlike any animal she had ever heard and sounded throughout the entire house.

Despite the differences between the four of them, they all huddled together and glared intensely at the door, ready to jump should it burst through the wood and reach them. Jonathan held a lighter in the air - for what reason, Ringo wasn't aware of, but she didn't fail to notice the series of traps set up on her journey to the bedroom. Nancy clutched the gun tightly in her hand, making Steve wonder where on Earth she got it, and how she felt comfortable enough to use it. Ringo held the biggest weapon of all, the wooden handle of her axe was gripped tightly in her hand.

The creature's screeching began to quiet down, but its breathing could still be heard from the other side, mixing in with the sounds of their quick panting.

"What's it doing?" Nancy demanded, straightening the arm that held the gun.

"How the hell should I know?" Ringo fired back, throwing all manners out the window from the stress of the situation.

The lights in the house had been steadily fluttering since it had arrived, but with a sudden jolt, it stopped flickering and the lights now permanently remained on. The house was completely silent.

"Do you hear anything?" Nancy whispered to them, not daring to move her eyes from the door.

"No," Jonathan snapped his lighter shut, prompting the rest of the group to finally take a breath. Reaching down to pick up a modified baseball bat that he had left on the floor, Jonathan raised it high and moved towards the door. It looked as if he had hammered a box of nails through the wood for maximum effect.

"Are you crazy?" Ringo whisper-shouted, her eyes wide as she watched Nancy follow his lead and head towards the hallway.

"How about we don't go straight towards the big monster thing, guys?" Steve echoed, shuffling in so he was beside Ringo, their shoulders brushing against the others.

But their complaints fell on deaf ears, Ringo let out a huff of frustration as she was forced to follow after her cousin and friend into the hallway. The second she rounded the door frame, she peered down, but the monster was nowhere to be seen. Her eyes fell to the bear trap that sat on the floor, completely untouched.

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