36. teenage kicks

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"DAMN KID," Jessica commented, reading over the shoulder of the younger girl in front of her as she furiously scribbled down letters on a page

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"DAMN KID," Jessica commented, reading over the shoulder of the younger girl in front of her as she furiously scribbled down letters on a page. "You trying to scare him or make him skip town?"

"I just want him to leave me alone," Max huffed, tossing the pen down after writing the final word and quickly re-reading it for mistakes.

"'If you mess with Max and her friends again, the next time you won't make it home'," Dustin read the note aloud, eyes widened as he reached the end. "Jesus, Max. You said you were gonna spook him not send him a death threat."

The girl merely shrugged as she folded the note, walking towards Billy and crouching down so she could stuff it into his pocket.

"If he wants to go to the police, I'll just have to report all the illegal crap he's done since getting here," she explained, tucking the note into his jean pocket. It was met with an obstruction, causing her to furrow her brows as she curiously tugged out a set of car keys.

With a sudden glint of determination in her eye, she turned to Lucas with a smirk. He picked up on the look immediately, giving the same one to Mike, who caught on and passed it to Dustin.

Like clockwork, the four heads turned to Ringo, who was currently wiping some of the dried blood off of Steve's busted face.

"Hey, dingbats," Jessica snapped her fingers, shuffling to stand by Billy's head, "you helping me lift your mess out to my car, or what?"

Dustin stayed pointedly behind while the other three hurried forward to grab onto Billy. Jessica curled her hands under his arms, while Mike slid his hands underneath the boy's back and Max and Lucas each took a leg, respectively. With a serious expression, Mike nodded at Dustin before the four began to make their way towards Jessica's car.

"Jesus! He's heavy!" Lucas grunted, readjusting his grip while Max panted beside him.

"I've basically got his ass, wanna freakin' swap?!" Mike shouted in frustration, face reddening somewhat from the exertion.

"Next time don't knock him the heck out then!" Jessica barked, effectively silencing their complaints until they made it towards her open back door, all but throwing Billy onto the seat.

While the group caught their breaths and shoved his long limbs inside whatever way they could so they could shut the door, Dustin was inside trying to work his magic on his long-term crush.

"So, Ringo," he sighed slightly, dropping down to sit on his knees next to her. "This is really a bummer isn't it."

"Oh no, your boyfriend nearly getting beaten to death is a normal Tuesday around here," she deadpanned, not even sparing him a glance as she dipped the cloth back into the pink-tinged water once again.

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