7. brainshake

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RINGO HUMMED SOFTLY ALONG TO HUNGRY EYES, which was playing on the radio in the small diner - only stopping when Steve returned to their booth with two milkshakes in hand.

"I figure since you're new and all you haven't got a chance to come to Brainshakes yet," he smiled brightly, slipping one of the milkshakes towards her. Ringo's head tilted with curiosity at the sheer brightness of its colour - neon blue, with a vast dollop of cream on top.

"It looks like a cavity in a glass," she joked, directing the straw towards her mouth and taking a small sip. Steve watched carefully for her reaction, taking a drink of his own identical one.

"Woah," Ringo spoke, eyes wide as she pulled away. "That's actually pretty good."

"See how much easier your life would be if you listened to me?" He raised his eyebrows, sipping through his straw, causing a giggle to rise in her. He smiled at the sound, happy to see that she wasn't as down now as she had been a short time before.

When Steve had realised Ringo was upset, he was at a loss with himself about how to react. But it seems this had been the right option, it was where he would always go to feel better himself.

"So," he began hesitantly, lifting her gaze up from her shake to meet his eyes. "Who was it?"

She visibly cringed, obviously not wanting to talk about it but answering none the less.

"Daniel Ashford."

Steve sighed, he knew the name well - everyone at school did. The two had never gotten along since middle school, with Daniel being jealous of Steve's athletic abilities and Steve taking advantage of that fact to use as an ego boost.

"I used to call him Daniel Assford," he offered, her lips turning up at the name.

"His breath does smell like ass," she chuckled.

"If it makes you feel better, I'll accidentally key his car tomorrow," Steve winked at her, daring her to smile, which she did.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Ringo asked suddenly, taking him by surprise.

"Well, we made a truce..."

"Yeah, a truce doesn't mean picking me up from the side of the road and telling corny jokes to make me smile when I'm upset," she said in a gentle tone, trying not to cause offence but desperate for an answer.

Steve looked away, wondering himself what the answer was. He couldn't explain it, not even to himself. But there was something about Ringo that made him want to be a better person, like he had to meet her standards of what she defined a decent human being

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