35. honey, i'm home

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THE GROUP WAS MORE DISPERSED THAN EVER, but Ringo didn't fail to see how close Lucas and Max stayed together

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THE GROUP WAS MORE DISPERSED THAN EVER, but Ringo didn't fail to see how close Lucas and Max stayed together. They had both taken on the responsibility of cleaning broken glass. Ringo sat at the table, watching them with a smirk on her face. She could tell they liked each other, the way they naturally gravitated together. However she also knew of Dustin's feelings, and hoped he wasn't too attached to the redhead.

With her smirk remaining, her fingers lazily dragged through her blonde locks as she began to braid them, her mouth opening to lowly sing lyrics she felt pertained to the situation.

"Young looooove," she sang, low enough to appear casual but audible for them still to hear, "first looooove..."

The kids gave her a weird look, as she swayed to side to side with a knowing glint to her eye. Steve covered his hand over his mouth to muffle his laughs, shaking his head with ridiculousness at her lack of subtlety.

Mike was pacing the floor with a worried expression, the only one not to react to her sudden outburst of song. He was too enveloped in his own thoughts and concerns to pay them any attention. Ringo was concerned for him, feeling as if she had stepped into his sister's shoes with Nancy's absence. But she also knew her cousin well, and knew he needed to be left alone. Mike tended to snap at people when he was stressed.

"Mike, will you just stop already?" Lucas voiced, stopping from sweeping to voice what everyone was thinking.

"You weren't there, okay?" He whipped around, sounding as stressed as he looked. "That lab is swarming with hundreds of those dogs."

"Demodogs," Dustin reminded him, receiving a glare.

"Goddamn, kid," Ringo huffed, throwing her gaze towards the ceiling in an eye roll and shaking her hair out of the plaits. "You're like a broken record. Change the damn tune."

"The chief will take care of her!" Lucas reminded him, stopping Mike from snapping at Dustin.

"Like she needs protection," Max scoffed, obviously still bitter from their earlier altercation as she swept glass shards into a dustpan.

"Listen, dude," Steve began, stepping in to diffuse the situation and looking incredibly domestic with a towel in his hand. "If the coach calls a play in the game, bottom line is you execute it, alright?"

"Oh boy," Ringo muttered to herself, knowing full well football was the last analogy to use to get these kids to listen.

"First of all," Mike whipped around, "this isn't some stupid sports game. And second, we're not even in the game. We're on the bench."

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