26. line dancing

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"DON'T STEVE!" Ringo Wheeler shouted through her sobs, angrily whipping the tears on her cheeks away with her fingers, before shoving her hands back underneath her armpits

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"DON'T STEVE!" Ringo Wheeler shouted through her sobs, angrily whipping the tears on her cheeks away with her fingers, before shoving her hands back underneath her armpits. Any semblance of intoxication had disappeared, and unfortunately with that, she was no longer protected from the bitterly cold winds outside.

Steve had raced after the blonde, thanking God he was an athlete or else he'd have been breathless by now. He shouted her name after seeing her, but by her reaction he gauged she didn't want to be comforted. None the less, he wouldn't leave her alone, outside at night.

"Come on," he pleaded, catching up to her side and frowning upon seeing her teary eyes and red cheeks. He hated seeing Ringo cry. She wasn't a person who looked embarrassing when she sobbed, more heart breaking.

"No!" She grumbled, her voice thick with emotion. "Go back to Nancy, I'll be fine."

"Hey, none of that," he spoke with a sigh, gripping her arm lightly and tugging her to the side, which effectively stopped her walk. Despite her resistance, Steve stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

She struggled against him for a few moments, sobs ripping from her throat before finally giving in and leaning into his touch. Ringo gripped onto Steve like a life jacket in the sea.

"What happened?" He asked in a soft tone, one of his hands soothingly rubbing her back.

"She's such a bitch, she doesn't know fucking anything," the blonde complained, voice muffled against his sweater. Her red-haired Daphne wig had been displaced previously, leaving her own hair on show, tied in a high bun.

"Don't say that," he hushed, "she's your family. You love each other."

"She didn't act as if she loved me tonight," her words slurred from crying, balling up his sweater in her fists. "She had the audacity to say that I'm 'oh so perfect'. Nancy's the one with the big house and the loving family, she's never had to worry about money, or whether or not they loved her. She doesn't get glared at when she walks down the hall. She even got the greatest guy to fall in love with her, and she didn't even feel the same."

Steve's eyebrows furrowed as she reached the end of her rant, more specifically the 'greatest guy' she was referring to.

"Wait a second, what-" he started to question, leaning back from the hug to look her in the eye.

"She actually brought up my dead dad. Can you believe that?" She started to chuckle, her emotions so heightened she barely sure of what she was saying any more. "Yeah, my dad's dead. The one who hated me for having naked photos of myself impermissibly posted all over school. He died a few months ago. But I'm the one with the perfect life?"

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