28. i loke vinyls

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"IS NANCY OFF TODAY?" Steve asked, his arm casually hanging around Ringo's shoulder as they walked down the hallway together before their first class

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"IS NANCY OFF TODAY?" Steve asked, his arm casually hanging around Ringo's shoulder as they walked down the hallway together before their first class. It was a gesture they often did - in private. And Ringo tried to ignore the stares they were getting in the hallway.

"I'm not sure," she shrugged, "I haven't spoken to her since yesterday, she went to meet up with Jonathan last night."

"Oh?" He enquired, and although Ringo searched his tone for any hint of jealousy - she found none.

"Yeah," she hummed, catching eyes with Carol, who was not at all subtle with her staring. "Have you noticed people are staring at us today?"

"Now Ringo," he pretended to chastise her with a smirk, "don't let your popularity get to your head just because you're dating the most popular guy in school."

"Oh shut up," she rolled her eyes, playfully elbowing his stomach. "I actually thought they were staring because your hair has reached new heights today. Tell me, do you get MTV on that antenna?"

"Okay, okay," he chuckled, dropping his hand from her shoulder down to the back pocket of her jeans. Ringo's eyes widened at the feeling of his hand basically on her ass, and from the small gasp she heard from the girl next to her, knew what it meant.

Steve was publicly showing everyone that he was interested in her. Interested more than a friend. Ringo never had anyone actually publicly show an interest in her - the majority of her past lovers choosing to keep it private, out of embarrassment.

While most people would let it bother them, Ringo always tried to push it to the side. She knew that guys didn't want to publicly date her because of her poorer background, or because of her social class. But here Steve was, not giving a single damn about any of that.

Her heart warmed at the feeling. Stupidly, she found that she was falling more and more for Steve Harrington every day.

Deciding to play it off with humour, as she always did, she cocked an eyebrow and grinned cheekily up at him.

"You fishing for change in there?" She teased.

"I was actually looking for your ass, ever hear of squats?" He fired back, but she wasn't offended - she knew it was just their shared sense of humour.

"You don't get to have anything to do with my ass until you take me out on a proper date," she winked, reluctantly drawing away from his touch once they reached her locker.

"Wow, you guys," Jessica's dry, sarcastic voice met their ears, so they turned to see the girl herself, grinning. "Way to shove your heterosexuality down my throat!"

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