41. road trippy

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"IF AT ANY POINT HE GOES OVER THE SPEED LIMIT," Julia began, walking quickly alongside her daughter as they made their way to the front entrance, "call the cops

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"IF AT ANY POINT HE GOES OVER THE SPEED LIMIT," Julia began, walking quickly alongside her daughter as they made their way to the front entrance, "call the cops."

"I can't call the cops on my boyfriend, Mom," the blonde huffed, a large duffle bag of clothes over her shoulder.

"See, its that kind of mentality that gets girls killed. I don't care how pretty he is, you'll find another fish in the pond," she was saying as they exited the front door, running into Steve - who was making his way inside to see if Ringo needed help with her bag.

"You trying to get Ringo to dump me again, Mrs Wheeler?" He grinned with amusement, holding his hand out for Ringo's bag to politely place it in the trunk. Julia crossed her arms over her chest, a smirk playing with her lips.

"Of course not!" She denied. "If she didn't have you, I'd have to drive her everywhere."

Steve shook his head with humour as he rounded the car and got into the driver's seat, leaving the mother and daughter outside for a quick goodbye before the trip.

"Mom," Ringo hesitated, "you can come with us, you know?" I know you have work, but-"

"No, no," she waved off, placing a comforting hand on her daughter's shoulder. "I said my goodbyes to your dad before we left Florida. This is your chance now."

Ringo nodded meekly. Despite the fact a three day road trip with Steve Harrington across four states seemed like a dream, she wasn't looking forward to what would meet her at the end of their destination.

Tomorrow would mark the one year anniversary of her father's death, and it was a better time than any to say the goodbye she never got to before leaving. Upon hearing that his girlfriend planned on taking a series of buses down to Orlando, Steve had put his foot down. He had suggested driving, not just to ensure she was safe, but to make something of the trip and hopefully distract her.

And although Julia would never admit it, hearing his suggestion had only solidified her love for him, as her daughter's boyfriend. She herself wasn't able to take off work to drive Ringo, with the hectic shifts leading up to Christmas.

The two blondes hugged for a moment, before Ringo broke away and gave her a short wave, climbing in and buckling her seatbelt.

"Are we ready, commander?" Steve asked, shifting the car into drive and preparing to take off. Thankfully, he had the heat in his car blasting warm air, to contrast with the bitter cold outside.

"Ooooh, kinky," she smirked suggestively, reaching for the glove compartment filled with his cassette tapes. A road trip wasn't a road trip without some stellar tunes, after all. She managed to locate his copy of Queen's News of the World album, slipping it into the player quickly.

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