20. footloose

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"WHO'S READY TO GET LOOSE, FOOTLOOSE-" An overactive blonde's voice burst through the basement, taking the stairs down at a rapid rate, until her voice cut off before she could sing the theme tune as she noticed the occupants in the room.

Ringo Wheeler was sure she looked as if she bit into a lemon, her lips pursed uncomfortably and her grip tightening on the video tape of the aforementioned movie in her hand.

"Footloose?!" Mike exclaimed in annoyance, throwing his hands up in the air. His voice was followed by shouts of disagreement from the three friends next to him. "You were supposed to get Ghostbusters!"

"Unless the ghosts start shaking their butts to a rocking soundtrack, we are not watching it! And besides, it's my turn to pick!" She rolled her eyes after speaking, fighting against the blush rising in her cheeks from her momentary stumble.

The 'Wheeler Family Friday' was a relatively new tradition for the three Wheeler teenagers, first originating two weeks ago, when Ringo had returned to Hawkins. It was a night the trio intended to make a habit of, meeting in the basement to watch a movie and binge on snacks. Word had gotten round to Mike's friends, who had invited themselves the week before and apparently this week too. It had suddenly become 'Wheeler Family Friday with Dustin, Lucas and Will'.

And now Steve, apparently.

Steve didn't greet Ringo as he usually would have, for this had been the first time he even saw her since they met in town two weeks before. The girl was making obvious attempts to avoid him, and Steve Harrington would only embarrass himself a few times before giving up on her completely.

"Hey, I want to see Footloose, too!" Nancy complained, nudging her foot against Mike's back as he sat on the floor in front of the couch she was seated at.

"Why don't you get Footlost!" He fired back.

"You boys should be watching this stuff," Ringo drawled sarcastically as she practically climbed over the boys to get to the open space next to Nancy, ignoring Steve who was on the other side of her. "Maybe it'll give you tips on how to get girlfriends."

"You don't need to be so obvious, Ringo," Dustin practically gloated from the carpet, rolling onto his elbows and making a purring noise at her with his newly formed teeth.

She rolled her eyes, unable to fight off the amusement from her face as she settled the plastic bag full of pure junk food onto the couch and headed towards the TV that was settled into the corner.

"Dibs the Pudding Pie!" Steve hollered, reaching for the Hostess candy from the bag as the boys scrambled over one another towards it.

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