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Incoming Call From: Harry
Liam: "Hello?"
Harry: "Liam, it's Harry. I hope I didn't wake you up."
Liam: "No, I was about to go to bed though. What's up?"
Harry: "Is everything alright with Louis?"
Liam: "Why do you ask?"
Harry: "I texted him and he seems upset."
Liam: "Well you guys aren't on good terms of course he's gonna sound upset."
Harry: "But it's more than that."
Liam: "What do you mean?"
Harry: "He just hasn't been himself lately and I'm worried."
Harry: "He would tell us if something was wrong, wouldn't he?"
Liam: "Stop worrying."
Harry: "Has he said anything to you about being depressed or anything?"
Liam: "If you really must know, he has spoken to me about it, but you don't have to worry about Harry. I promise, he'll be okay. I'm taking care of it."
Harry: "This is such a mess. I should have never said those things to him."
Liam: "Harry, don't blame yourself for what he did."
Harry: "I know, but I wish I wouldn't have gotten so mad about it. I miss him. I just miss my best friend. He won't even look at me anymore. I should apologize."
Liam: "You guys should definitely talk about it. Not tonight though. Go to sleep and call him in the morning. Goodnight."
Harry: "Goodnight."

Call Ended

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