Found A Girl

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Louis: Just so you know, Liam met a girl.
Zayn: Is it serious?
Louis: I doubt it. He just met her. I think he still likes you though.
Zayn: What makes you say that?
Louis: I just have a feeling.
Zayn: I hope lets me talk to him Sunday. Do you think I still have a chance to get back with him.
Louis: Maybe.
Zayn: Are you going to try to make up with Harry?
Louis: We already made up we actually had a decent conversation without fighting yesterday. We're going to talk more about everything on Sunday
Zayn: So what happened between you guys?
Louis: Long story short, we were hooking up and he told me he liked me and I freaked out. So I slept with someone else and he got really mad at me and said really mean things and called off our friendship.
Zayn: Holy shit, I had no idea. Do you like him back?
Louis: Yes, I like him a lot, but I figured it out too late.
Zayn: I'm sure it's not too late. Does he know you like him?
Louis: Yeah.
Zayn: Maybe he just needs some time. It's Harry though, he can't stay mad at you for long.
Louis: I guess you're right. I'm going to tell him again on Sunday how I feel.

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