It's About You

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[9:32 am]
Harry, Zayn, Liam, Niall
Liam: Niall what exactly happened last night?
Niall: I went round to his house and he was upset, so I offered to take him out.
Zayn: Great idea! Because alcohol actually solves problems!
Liam: Why was he upset?
Niall: Um....I can't say.
Harry: Why not?
Niall: It was about you
Zayn: Did he actually talk to you about why he was sad?
Niall: Yeah....
Liam: What did he say?
Niall: He said he was sad because he ruined things with Harry and because he thinks Harry hates him. He said he can't live with himself knowing he hurt Harry and that you don't want him anymore.
Liam: Fuck
Zayn: He said that exactly? Fuck
Harry: I could never hate him.
Niall: What's the big fucking deal? So he misses Harry? Harry misses him too, it's clear you don't hate him Harry. Everyone gets sad about things they did, he'll be fine though.
Harry: Louis is tough, as much as it kills me to know he feels that way, I know he'll be okay.

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