The Breakup

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The sun was peaking through the curtains on the window as Zayn rolled over, putting his arm around the sleeping figure beside him. The movement caused Liam to stir and eventually wake up.
"Good morning Li," Zayn whispered and pressed a kiss to Liam's bare shoulder. Liam smiled and rolled over, inviting Zayn to kiss him properly. Zayn's kiss was soft and loving.
Over the past few months, Liam had come to love the way Zayn made him feel. He loved the attention and affection that was showered on him. He also had started to love Zayn. For the most part, he had learned to repress the gnawing guilt about being with someone who was dating someone else. However, some nights, the guilt made him physically sick to his stomach. It was something he was willing to cope for because he knew, or at least hoped, that Zayn was going to break up with Perrie soon and stay with Liam.
Liam smiled into the tender kiss and blurted out what he had been feeling for a few days now but had been to worried to actually say, afraid Zayn wouldn't reciprocate. He still didn't know where they stood and how Zayn actually felt about him. For all he knew, Zayn only slept with him because he was away from his girlfriend most of the time.
"I think I love you Zayn," Liam muttered, hardly audible. Zayn examined Liam's face for a few beats with no indication on his face to what he would say next. Finally, he smiled, kissed Liam on the forehead and replied,
"I think I love you too."
Ever since that morning when Liam told Zayn he might love him, Liam let himself have hope that they would actually get together. It had been a few weeks since the exchange had taken place and there had been many more "I love you"s since. Liam felt they hit a breakthrough in their "relationship." Zayn had started to treat Liam like they were actually dating and not just messing around. Zayn even once brought up their future together, mentioning how he always wanted kids and thought Liam would be a good father.
Liam realized he had been naive when Zayn announced his engagement to Perrie in an interview. Zayn had told the lads he had some news and Liam had assumed the news was about breaking up with Perrie. After all, not even three hours before the interview, Zayn had been on his knees in front of Liam in the shower.
Liam felt like such a fool when Zayn told the interviewer he had proposed to Perrie and Liam had to act like he was so excited and happy for his friend. It took all his willpower to not scream and Zayn and storm out. This is what he gets for sleeping with someone who had a girlfriend he supposes. Of course this wasn't going to have a happy ending. At least not for Liam.
"What the hell?! You proposed to her? Why didn't you tell me? I had to find out in front of all those people like that? I thought you loved me?" Liam screamed at Zayn once they were away from the interview and out of earshot from anyone around.
Zayn looked at the ground, not even having the courtesy to look at Liam. This pissed Liam off even more. Zayn looked torn, sad, and ashamed. "I'm sorry Liam. It's complicated. You should've known this would happen eventually."
"You should've told me you were going to propose to her! This should have ended a long time ago, but I was stupid enough to think you were going to choose me."
"We can't be together Liam, at least not officially. But I do love you, and what we had was real. Please don't let it end like this. I don't want to let you go."
"Are you suggesting we keep this going? It was bad enough to cheat with someone who had a girlfriend. I'm not going to cheat with someone who is married. If you actually wanted me, you would have dumped her. This is over Zayn. The sex, the love, even our friendship is all over. I hope you have a good life being married to someone you don't even love. Fuck you, I wish there was a way I could never see or talk to you again." And with that, Liam stormed out of the room before Zayn could see him crying.

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