Taking Care Of Buisness

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Harry was startled out of his sleep by a light knock on his bedroom door. He quickly realized it was just Louis.
"Come in" Harry mumbled only loud enough for Louis to hear noise. Louis opened the door anyway and walked up to Harry's bed.
"You alright Louis?" Louis put his sweater covered hand up to his mouth and slowly shook his head. Harry pulled the covers over and without a word, Louis understood Harry was telling him to climb in. This wouldn't be the first time this happened. On nights where they crashed at each other's houses and one of them couldn't sleep, they would climb in the same bed and cuddle. Usually Louis would drift off to sleep only minutes after being wrapped up in Harry's arms. Louis claimed it was because Harry smelled good and it was calming, but Harry knew the familiarity of Harry's arms was the true calming agent.
They laid there for a minute, Louis's head resting on Harry's chest and Harry running his fingers through Louis' hair, before Louis spoke up.
"I'm sorry about your breakup." Louis whispered against Harry's bare skin. Harry shrugged his shoulders and wrapped his other arm around Louis, pulling him in closer.
"It's okay Lou, I'm not sad about it. I'd rather be here with you anyway."
"Really? You'd rather be cuddling in your bed with me than with a beautiful girl?"
"Yeah. I'd rather be doing anything with you. You're my favorite person. I just want to be with you all the time."
"Harry that's so sweet."
"What about you?"
"You're my favorite person too. I can't think of anyone I'd rather cuddle with."
"What was wrong that made you come to my room?"
"Nothing. It's stupid."
"Louis it's okay you can tell me anything. You know that."
"Um well don't take this the wrong way but I was kind of disappointed about why you wanted me to come over."
"What do you mean? You're disappointed I broke up with Kendall?"
"No, I'm disappointed you just wanted me to come over to tell me about Kendall."
"I didn't actually. I invited you over for a different reason but I don't really wanna talk about it. Why would that make you disappointed."
"Well I don't know if disappointed is the right word. I actually figured you were gonna tell me you broke up with her. But I thought you wanted me to come over because of our conversation last night. I thought maybe you were going to want to sleep with me."
"You were disappointed because I didn't want to fuck you?"
"I guess I just was curious and wanted to know what it would be like. That's why I came over."
"You thought that as soon as I broke up with my girlfriend I would booty call my best friend."
"When you say it like that it sounds crazy."
"But you told me nothing sexual would happen between us."
"Because I realized that's not why you called me over."
"I broke up with her because I'm not into her and have thoughts of other people. Especially you. But I don't think we should actually fuck. I don't know what got into me last night."
"Would it really be a big deal if we did? I mean just to see what it's like and get it out of our systems? It doesn't have to be weird."
"It's probably a bad idea but I want to."
"Me too."
Louis picked his head off Harry's chest and looked him in the eyes for a moment. Harry bit his lip and Louis took it as an invitation to lean up and capture Harry's lips. Harry froze for a moment before kissing back. Louis moved to straddle Harry's hips without breaking the kiss. As if by instinct, Harry's hands immediately went to Louis' waist. Louis responded by humming against Harry's lips, causing Harry to chuckle. Louis pulled away with a look of confusion on his face.
"Why are you laughing Harry?"
"Because this is ridiculous. I can't believe we're doing this."
"We don't have to, we can stop if you want. This is actually a terrible idea, I shouldn't have kissed you."
Louis avoided eye contact with Harry as he moved to get off of him, but Harry grabbed for Louis' hand to get him to stay.
"I don't want to stop. If you're okay with it we can keep kissing. It may not be a good idea, but this I what we both want right now isn't it?"
"Yeah it's what we want now but won't be what we want in the morning. What if this makes things awkward."
"You said it would only be weird if we made it weird. So let's just not make it weird. One night to get it out of our system. What happens tonight stays in this room. What do you say about that?"
"That sounds crazy but I guess it would work. It would be like a one night stand only we're best friends after."
"Only if that's what you want. Are you sure?"
"Yes, I am sure. I want to kiss you."
"Then we'll kiss. Nothing changes after this though. We can do this all night and then we won't wonder what it would have been like."
"If we just kiss though won't we still wonder?"
"Are you suggesting we do more than kiss?"
"Yeah I mean if you want to. I'm just saying we can see how far we go. If we're only doing this one night we should do everything we're curious about."
"You don't have to beat around the bush Lou. You can just tell me what you want to do."
"I think you already know."
"I need you to actually tell me. We need to be on the same page."
"I want to sleep with you, I told you that Harry. Don't make me say it again, I feel like I'm begging. Let's get this show back on the road."
"Maybe I like you begging for it. Maybe it turns me on."
"If it turns you on then fucking kiss me fool."
Harry responded by pulling Louis down and planting another kiss on his lips. Louis smiled into it, moving down to lay gentle kisses on Harry's neck. Harry's hands went to Louis' hair, prompting Louis to suck on a spot right below Harry's jaw. Harry didn't even try to suppress a moan as Louis left a mark on his neck. Harry pulled on Louis's hair almost too roughly, coaxing out a moan from Louis, as he pulled him in for another kiss. This time, Harry opened his mouth to allow Louis full access. The moment Louis licked at Harry's tongue, was the same moment he grinded down on Harry's lap. Harry brought his hands down to the hemline of Louis' sweater and Louis got the hint, helping Harry to get the article of clothing out of the way. The sweater was tossed out of the way and within seconds Louis found himself flipped on his back with Harry hovering over him. Now it was Harry's turn to plant kisses on Louis' body, but he didn't stop at the neck. He planted sloppy kisses all over Louis' chest and shoulders. He started planting kisses lower and lower, hesitating once he reached the waistband of Louis' sweatpants. He looked up at Louis with that signature smile of his.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked Louis again just to make sure.
"Yes, I'm positive. Are you?"
"Absolutely" Harry replied as he got back to business.
*End Of Flashback*

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