The One With Niall

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Liam: You will never believe what Zayn just told me!
Niall: good or bad?
Liam: Absolutely terrible.
Niall: Is he alright?
Liam: Unfortunately
Niall: #OhNoLiam??? What did he do this time?
Liam: This is no time for jokes.
Niall: Sorry m8. Tell me what's wrong?
Liam: He just told me that Perrie and him were broken up the entire time him and I were fooling around!! He wasn't even really engaged to her! After they broke up, management made them pretend to be engaged! He never thought once to tell me Ni!!!
Niall: that is the most fucked up thing I've ever heard! I've had enough of him breaking your heart Li. If you want me to drive over to your flat with tubs of ice cream and superhero movies again I will.
Liam: I just don't know what to think anymore Niall. I'm so done with his shit. I even blocked his number.
Niall: Good for you. Now what do you say I come over?
Liam: That would be great Nialler, thanks. I don't know what I would do without you.
Niall: Anytime m8 love ya!

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