How's Zayn

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Louis: I hope you know I will bid however much it takes to get your face painted.
Liam: i don't think u will tho
Louis: Oh Payno, your lack of faith in me is sad.
Liam: so is your lack of maturity
Louis: Wow, you are the king of comebacks. All hail Liam. Note the sarcasm.
Liam: oi! Shut it!
Louis: So I texted Z.
Liam: did he reply?! Is he mad at u?
Louis: Yes and why would you assume he's mad at me?
Liam: really louis?
Louis: Okay I know I could've handled the situation with him better but all is forgiven.
Liam: so he's not mad anymore?
Louis: No.
Liam: what did u say to him?
Louis: That I was a jerk and I'm sorry and I'm still here for him. He's obviously going through a tough time.
Liam: How is he?
Louis: He didn't really talk much. When I brought up Perrie he just said "oh." But when I said I was there for him if he wanted to talk he was grateful.
Liam: Good and it does seem like he needs some1. Maybe we can all hang sometime
Louis: Not to change the subject, but why tf is Harry calling me?
Liam: I thought he was mad at u?
Louis: He is. He's been ignoring me all month. Maybe he's calling to apologize?
Liam: no offense but it kinda was ur fault
Liam: Im sorry I guess it's none of my business saying that but u 2 have more drama than the Kardasian's i s2g.
Liam: are you gonna answer him?
Liam: I guess that's why you're not replying. ill see you soon tell me what he says.

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