Casual Conversation

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[1:32 am]
Louis: Omg this ubr guy is crzy! He tnks I'm form nsync!!!
Harry: Are you drunk?
Louis: only a lil
Harry: why are you drunk texting me?
Louis: because I new u think the uber thig was funy.
Harry: How much did you drink?
Louis: relax!! Im wit nisll, we only drunk a few shts
Harry: Be careful okay?
Louis: ok MOM ill b creful. God chil out
[1:40 am]
Harry: Are you with Louis?
Niall: yeh he's fine
Harry: are you sure? I thought he didn't drink anymore?
Niall: I know nothing of that....what I do know is he was really sad and needed to get out of the house so I took him out.
Harry: and you thought drinking would solve his problems?
Niall: Louis is an adult, he can make his own decisions.
Harry: I know, I just worry after Liam told me about him being depressed.
Niall: I think he'll be okay
Harry: Did he say anything about me?
Niall: I don't think I should say....
Harry: um alright?
Niall: Basically he said he misses you and he can't wait to make it right tomorrow.
Harry: I miss him too.
Niall: tell him that.
[1:55 am]
Harry: I'll see you tomorrow Lou, get a good night rest so you're not hungover when we get there.
Louis: Can u com ovrr begore t other I wan talk to u.
Harry: Sure I'll be there an hour before everyone else.
[2:10 am]
Harry: I miss you
Louis: >4
Harry: What's that?
Louis: a hart silly
Harry: You're so drunk
Louis: lol
Harry: Goodnight love
Louis: <3 I fixed it!!
Harry: Good job I'm proud of you lol

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