Waving To The Hard Times

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Louis was just finishing tidying up his house when his doorbell rang 20 minutes before he was expecting Harry.

"For god's sake Harry, you're early, I'm not even done getting ready," Louis said as he opened the front door.

He was greeted by Harry's bright smile and any annoyance he had was instantly gone. Harry had that effect on him even now. Just like all those months ago when he realized he loved Harry, Louis knew he was screwed. But this time that thought didn't scare him. He knew what he wanted now.

He stepped aside to let Harry in, but not before Harry went in for a hug. It had been too long.

"Hi Lou, thanks for agreeing to see me." Harry said into the crook of Louis' neck. Louis was being crushed in Harry's tight embrace, but he couldn't find it in him to be bothered.

"I didn't have much of a choice did I?" Louis said back with a small smile poking through.

"Of course you did, love" Harry said as he pulled away, the grin on his face somehow even larger than a moment earlier. The soft look in Harry's eyes left Louis wondering how he had ever let them go this long being mad at each other. He swore to himself right then that he would never let it happen again. His small smile broke into a teeth-baring grin as he took in the beautiful sight in front of him.

"When it comes to you I don't," Louis meant for that to be under his breath but he knew Harry heard him, "Anyway, I'm glad you're here. I missed you."

"I missed you to Lou, you have no idea how many times I've over-analyzed everything we've said."

Right, they were here to talk everything over.

Deciding this was a conversation best had over some type of liquid courage, Louis led Harry to the kitchen where he grabbed them both a beer.

"I don't even know where to start Harry..."
they both sat down at the kitchen table, each visibly nervous although they would never admit it to the other.

"Just say what you feel Lou, I'm all ears." Harry said patiently as he reached over the table and tentatively took Louis' hand. The older accepted, linking their fingers together.

"Okay...well, I guess I'll start off by saying I miss you, and I regret our fight and I regret sleeping with her after I told you I needed space, there's not a second I don't wish I could take it all back. I know what I want now, but I'm also fully aware I don't deserve you and I fucked up any chance I had I'm so sor-"

"You deserve love Louis, I understand now where you were coming from, you were scared and confused. But we're both to blame here so don't feel like you single handedly fucked it up. Clearly we both weren't ready to be together. But I've forgiven you for what you said, and you've forgiven me, all you need to do is forgive yourself and stop beating yourself up, stop hurting yourself. I still love you and I really don't think there's anything you could do that would change that. I want to give you a second chance if you'll give me one."

"What if I don't believe I deserve it?" Louis' voice was uncharacteristically quiet as he let out that confession. He glanced up at Harry and noticed a tear threatening to spill from Harry's face. Maybe he really does love me, he thought to himself.

"I'll convince you...you said you still love me. Can we just focus on that and worry about everything else as it comes? Together? You're the only one I want to be with Lou, you're it. It's only you and it will only ever be you."

Louis couldn't have held back the tears he was holding if he tried to, but this time they were undeniably happy tears. He looked at Harry and noticed Harry had let his own tears fall as well, but there was also the biggest smile on his face.

"It's always been you too love, I really do want to make this work. Although, you're gonna have to bear with me, I'm shit at this love stuff." Louis let out a small chuckle.

His statement didn't seem to deter Harry though, as he got up from his chair and walked around to Louis. He reached his hands back out for Louis to grab them and pulled him into a standing position. Harry slowly wrapped his arms around Louis' waist, encouraging Louis to place his arms around Harry's neck and pull him into a hug.

"You're not shit at anything, you're absolutely perfect the way you are." Harry whispers as a reply to Louis' self-doubt.

Louis looked up and finally made eye contact with Harry, and in that split second was overwhelmed with the need to kiss the beautiful man in front of him.

Harry came to the same conclusion at the same time, meeting Louis in the middle with a short but meaningful kiss.

It didn't need to be a heavy and passionate kiss for them to express their true feelings for eachother; that could come later. After all, they now had all the time in the world.

They pull away briefly enough to stare into each other's eyes.

That's when it hits Louis the extreme depth his love for his best friend goes.

He knows it's not going to magically be easy; they're gonna have to do some healing. But now they can heal together.

Louis, for the first time in his entire life, is sure that one day in the near future they're going to be able to say that they made it.

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