In The Middle

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Zayn: Can you do me a favor?
Louis: Sure, what?
Zayn: Can you tell Liam to unblock me? I need to talk to him.
Louis: Why did he block you?
Zayn: It's a long story.
Louis: Okay, i'll text him right now.
Louis: Zayn wanted me to ask you to unblock him. Why did you block him?
Liam: I'm not going to unblock him. He can fuck off!
Louis: What did he do?
Liam: As you've found out from the group chat, Zayn and I had sex. But it wasn't just once. We fell for each other but Zayn was dating Perrie. Then he proposed to her after making me think he was going to choose me.
Louis: Why did you block him then? You knew he was with Perrie.
Liam: He wasn't. They broke up before we started messing around and management made them pretend to still be together and eventually made them fake an engagement. But he didn't let me know that when I felt so guilty for cheating.
Louis: You felt bad about cheating but still did anyway?
Liam: I was in love with him. Haven't you done stupid things when you were in love with someone? Like Harry?
Louis: Yes, I have.
Liam: Did you just admit to being in love with Harry.
Louis: I figured you knew that. Isn't it obvious? But anyway back to Zayn. I can see now why you blocked him! I can't believe he did that!
Liam: I can't believe you're in love with Harry.
Louis: Neither can I.
Liam: I'm not going to unblock Zayn.
Louis: Fair enough.
Louis: He said no. I can't believe what you did to him.
Zayn: Great, now you're also disappointed with me.
Louis: Did you love Liam?
Zayn: Yes, I still do and I'm so sorry I did that to him. I wish I could take it back so bad.
Louis: I'm not disappointed. It was low what you did, but I did something low to someone I loved and I ended up losing them. I don't want that to happen with you and Liam. Is there anything I can do to help?
Zayn: Who did you hurt?
Louis: I hurt Harry. And then he hurt me and we stopped talking.
Zayn: I didn't know you guys weren't talking anymore. Are you still best friends?
Louis: I want to be, but Harry doesn't. We're trying to fix our friendship but he doesn't trust me anymore. I don't really want to go into any more details though.
Zayn: Is this why you're depressed and cutting?
Louis: I really don't want to talk about that. Please don't bring it up.
Zayn: Sorry. Anyway back to the question you asked. Yes, there is something you can do to help. Can you tell Liam that it was always going to be him in the end and that I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't bring myself to because I was scared he would hate me. But the longer I waited the more he was going to hate me and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't even bring myself to tell him when he broke up with me. I don't deserve him and I don't expect another chance I just want him to know I would kill to go back and be with him the right way. I feel so pathetic for the way I handled everything.
Louis: Of course i'll tell him
Zayn: Thank you so much!

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