I Don't Love You Too

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[1:35 AM]
Harry: Louis, I need to tell you something and I should probably tell you in person, but I can never bring myself to..
[2:01 AM]
Louis: Harry, it's so late! what is so important that you had to interrupt my beauty sleep?
Harry: This is serious. Stop joking lol
Louis: Um...what is it?
Harry: Please don't get mad....
Louis: Love, you're scaring me...
Harry: You know how we've said a million times that we're just friends with benefits and nothing more and that we wouldn't let feelings get in the way?
[2:28 AM]
Louis: We didn't just say that, we PROMISED it. Please tell me you don't have feelings for me!
[4:06 AM]
Harry: I'm sorry, I couldn't help it
Louis: Are you fucking serious right now?
*End of flashback*

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