Regret It

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[4:10 AM]
Louis: Please tell me you're joking!
Harry: I'm not joking Louis, I have feelings for you...You're being really hurtful right now, It took a lot for me to admit that. It's not like I can control who I fall in love with!
Louis: Oh, so now you're in love with me! How long?!
Harry: Why are you yelling at me? I'm actually about to cry right now you don't have to be such an asshole.
Louis: HOW. LONG.
Harry: I don't want to tell you. Just forget I said anything. I'm sorry I brought it up. Let's just end this and forget anything ever happened.
Harry: For a very long time.
Louis: Since we started hooking up or before that?
Harry: The truth is, I've loved you since the beginning. Please stop yelling at me though. I don't expect you to feel the same, that's not why I told you. I told you because I needed to finally get it off my chest. I can't help the way I feel. And maybe it was unfair of me to tell you there were no feelings when there were, but you still don't have a right to be mad.
Louis: You promised me so many times we were just friends though! I'm supposed to be able to believe my best friend!
Harry: I never promised that I only liked you as a friend.
Louis: Fuck, do you know how much this complicates things?!
Harry: It really doesn't complicate anything. We just will stop hooking doesn't have to mess with our friendship.
Louis: How can it not mess up our friendship? Now every time you say or do something I'm gonna think there's an ulterior motive.
Harry: You don't have to worry about that Louis, I won't let my feelings get in the way of our friendship.
Louis: But you let them get in the way of our little arrangement. You agreed to mess around because you were in love with me. It kinda feels like you took advantage of me.
Harry: I never meant it to seem that way Louis please believe I would never intend to hurt you or take advantage of you. I thought it wouldn't matter if I had feelings for you because we were both getting something out of it. I never thought it would cause a problem.
Louis: Were you ever going to tell me?
Harry: I just did...
Louis: I mean were you just hoping if we hooked up long enough I would fall for you? Was this all a plan to get me to develop feelings for you?
Harry: No Lou, I swear I didn't expect anything out of it.
[6:57 AM]
Louis: I believe you, sorry I got so mad. It just took me by surprise... you know how I don't like when things don't play out the way I intended them to lol. I know you can't help the way you feel, however I don't really understand how you've been in love with me for so long.
Harry: You're impossible not to love darling
Louis: Not gonna lie...that made me blush
Harry: haha mission accomplished
Louis: You're so fucking weird.
Harry: But you love me lol
[7:05 AM]
Harry: Shit, I didn't mean it like that
[7:28 AM]
Harry: I meant you love me as a friend...I'm sorry I'm making everything awkward
[7:52 AM]
Louis: lol it's fine Harry I know what you meant.
[12:42 AM]
Louis: m so drnk right niw
Harry: What's new? Haha jk
Louis: I want yiu so bad
Harry: Louis, you're drunk, you don't know what you're saying.
Louis: Harry evrtime im drunk I wnt u I now wat I'm taking abut
Harry: Do you not remember our conversation earlier? We're done hooking up now that you know I love you...
Louis: but I dnt wnna b don fuckng want u insde me
Harry: Fuck Louis, go to sleep you're wasted. We can't hook up anymore.
Louis: but whhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy we don have to stopppp
Harry: I'm gonna end up with my heart broken if I let it go any longer. I'm sorry but that's just the way it's gotta be.
Louis: I wnd nvr break ur hart bby
Harry: Not intentionally of course, but I'm just gonna keep hoping you'll fall for me if it continues.
Louis: U mght not havto wait that long
Harry: What are you talking about Lou? I think you should go to bed.
Louis: I dint have the bals to say whis whn I was sobr
Harry: Say what?
Louis: IM confusd
Harry: Confused about what?
Louis: u sillyyyy
*End flashback*

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