chapter ● 2

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The door swung open and a tall boy was standing there with messy hair. He was shirtless and wearing grey sweatpants. His hair was messy and his cheeks were stained red from tears. I don't think he had,had any sleep at all. This was definitely his dog.

I looked up and all of a sudden realised who he was. IT WAS JONAH MARAIS! The guy I've been obsessing over for the past two years. How did I not know he lived this close to me?!!!

It finally clocked that I was holding sawyer. I had seen him on his ig story a lot. A smile spread across jonahs face and he took sawyer out of my hands.

"Hi umm sorry I know you probably want to spend time with your dog but..."
I was swept off my feet as jonah picked me up into a hug.
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you tha..."
"Okay okay your welcome it's all good" I laugh. Wow. Who thought that I'D be the one to pull away from a hug with jonah marais.
He unswaddles sawyer and hands me my hoodie
"Nice hoodie, I really like that band too" he smirks, picking up the headphone that isn't in my ear and putting it in his ear.
"Wow your even listening to them as we speak" as jonah starts singing in the song he looks at me wide eyed "ooh this one's my favorite, what's his name again? Jayden I think... he's HAWT"
I laugh
"I knew it was you! And yes jonah is VERY sexy indeed."
He looked at me
"Do you want to come in?" He seemed shy all of a sudden

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