chapter ● 19

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□Christmas day!!!□

Jonah woke me up with a shower of kisses. I check my phone. 4:15am.
"Ugghhhhhhh jonah it's too early"
I bury my head into my pillow and groan.
"Get dressed. My special plans start now. " he looks at me and winks. I get up.
"Fine. It better be worth it and why am I nervous? Is it a good suprise?"

"Trust me you can't be more nervous than Me." He mumbles under his breath. I shoot him a puzzled look before wrapping my arms round his waist.
"Is everything okay? "
"You'll find out later" he seems worried for a second but then a huge smile takes over his face. He throws me over his shoulder.
"JOOOO" I pound his back lightly before he places me in the bathroom. I grab one of his hoodies and change. I walk out and he grabs my hand running downstairs.
"Jonah shhhhh! Everyone's still asleep" we get downstairs.
"Oh shoot one sec I forgot something, I'll be quick, don't go anywhere!" He races inside and comes back.
"What'd you forget?" I ask leaning into his side as he wraps his arm round me.
"Oh I thought I forgot my phone but I hadn't. " I can tell he's lying. It must be part of his surprise.
We walk around town before going to the lake.
"The lake?" A smile shoots across my cheeks. He knows how much I love it here.
He just kisses my head in response.
He intertwines our fingers and leads me to the edge of the lake. Our blanket and lights are still set up from our date a while back.
The loons come close and jonah even touched one. He looks at me.

Jonah's POV
I'm gonna do it. I've had this planned for ages. I can't put off any longer. It's the perfect day.
I look at evie. I can feel the 'puppy dog eyes' as she calls them take over. She kisses my shoulder.
"What's wrong babe?" I sit up and turn to face her.
"Evie. You are the love of my life. You are the best friend I could ever have and an even better girlfriend."
I get onto one knee and pull out a small black box.
"But I think that you would be the best wife and that's what I want to make you. My wife."
I open the box revealing a ring with a large pearl. Outlined by little diamonds.
" we're still young, especially you. But I just want to be able to see this ring on your finger as a reminder that your mine and someday, when we're ready, be it in 20 years or 2 years, we will be married. I want a family with you evie, I want to be your husband."
I look at her, hoping. Did I just ruin our whole relationship? She stares at me blankly. And then she starts to cry. Oh shit. I backed away slightly.
" Evie I'm So sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. It's okay if you don't want to. Please don't break up with me. We can talk about it. We don't have to ever get married if you don't want to." I was talking at about 1000 words a second and she started laughing. She wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Yes" she laughed pickings up the ring that I had dropped on the ground earlier
"Yes you want to be my wife someday? Or yes you're breaking up with me?" I ask hesitantly. She hugs me tighter. "Yes I want to marry you... someday" I relax and smile. She hands me the ring holding out her hand flat. I slip the ring onto her finger. A perfect fit.
We walk a few laps around the lake and then go back to my house. I keep holding her hand just so I can run my fingers over the ring. I'm gonna marry this girl. I don't know when. But I will.

Evie's POV

I can't help but smile.  I've never been more his and I've never been happier. Just the fact that I can call him my fiancé makes me grin like an idiot.
This boy is my world. Everything I do is for him and he has my whole heart, I wouldn't have it any other way.

We arrive back at his house at around 7am and we are greeted by sawyer. Jonah's mom comes to the door.
"There you two are! Down at the lake I assume? It is beautiful there. Come on let's go have breakfast, IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Me and jonah laugh at his moms holiday spirit and go to eat dinner. Waffles, jonah and esthers favourite. Mine too.
Esther notices the ring on my finger.
"Is that?!" She points to my hand, speechless.
"Jonah you're getting married?! Evie can I be your bridesmaid?! When do you want to go dress shopping?!"
Jonah's mom looks at my hand. She hugs jonah and kisses his cheek over and over again.
"Okay okay mom enough " he laughs, wriggling away.
"Welcome to the family evie! Good luck, it's hell"
I laugh.
"Thank you but we won't be getting married for a couple years now" I smile
"We thought we were too young. But that didn't change the fact that I wanted to call her my fiancé, and eventuallyy.... my wife. " he kisses me on the cheek and I blush.
"You treat her right, jonah marais. I won't be having no son of mine treating a woman wrong." Tim ( Jonah's dad) says. The seaveys come back from their breakfast. They wanted to spend Christmas morning together. The whole ring excitement starts again and then once everyone fully understands the situation we go to open presents. I got Svea a bike,Esther and anna a huge selection of face masks and perfumes along with other things. And Daniel a new guitar, and Tyler a new bench press but I had it delivered to their home in portland. Jeff,keri,Tim and carrie a reservation at a fancy restraint so they could go on a double date . It's time for me to give jonah his big present. I take everyone to the garage, making jonah open the door. He stops in his tracks and picks me up spinning me around. I had soundproofed his garage and decked it out with a grand piano, 2 keyboards,5 guitars (3 acoustic, 2 electric) ,a drum kit and 5 microphones.

"Your dad helped me do it" I say, smiling at Tim.
"I love you, I love you, I love you" jonah repeats kissing me each time.

We spend the rest of the day as one huge family watching Christmas movies and trying out our new presents. Me and jonah constantly smiling at each other. I love this new life.

(Authors note; fhekwndnjdksksksjsjsjsj ahhhhhhh)

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