chapter ● 5

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I woke up in jonahs arms. He was just lying there staring at me. It should be creepy but for some reason it just makes me fall deeper in love with him.

We haven't made it official but we've gotten so close these past few weeks and we act like a couple. He kissed my forehead and smiled.
"Let's go down and get breakfast. My mom made waffles" I can tell that just talking about the food is making him excited. You'd think he was starved.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me downstairs before I even have a chance to wake up. As a result I trip and we both land in a heap at the bottom of the stairs. Him on top of me.
"Well hello there beautiful" he smirks
He leans in to kiss me. OH MY GOD! I start freaking out cos we haven't properly kissed yet. when, to my rescue, Mrs frantzich walk in.
"Oh umm good morning you two" she giggles. Jonah gets up quickly and pulls me up with him. Both our cheeks red with embarrassment when Esther comes in waffle in hand and takes a picture. She begins to post it on ig with the caption "caught kissing at the bottom of the stairs. Debating whether or not to keep this gem to use as blackmail later"

Jonah chases Esther round the house when sawyer sees him and jumps around his feet, causing him to fall flat on the floor. We all laugh but I feel guilty so I go and help him up. I wrap my arms around his waist and he holds onto my arms.
"It's okay i still love you" I smile
"Yeah that's the problem" he smirks
I fake gasp and hit him in the arm.
He pulls me closer
"Now about that kiss" he whispers
"Please jo, not when everyone is watching"
"Okay" he kisses my forehead
"Don't think I'm not gonna grab the first chance I get though" he grabs my hand and pulls me to the table. We sit to eat breakfast.

Hi guys sorry it's a short chapter!
To make up for it I thought I'd tell you a little bit about me (Not that you care)

▪i'm 14 years old
▪i live in England but I'm originally from Scotland
▪i STAN the why don't we boys
▪I'm in jonahs lane
▪i have a why don't we fan account on instagram @xwdw.lovex
▪I have another joint fan account with my friend rileigh @limelight_roth.besson

♡please let me know what you think so far ♡ love you guys ♡

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