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@jonahmaraisso my beautiful girlfriend @evie.cv just hit 1M on ig and I'm super proud😊 she celebrated by forcing @seaveydaniel to go on a photo shoot and took some adorable photos with my teddy bear wes that I gifted her before she left for portland, I've had him since I was born but now he's hers💕. I miss this girl so much and can't wait to see you again in 19 days ❤ I love you baby girl xx
@evie.cv get yourself a boyfriend as amazing as jonah... oh wait, he'sone of a kind🤗 I love you baby ❤🌍🔐
@seaveydaniel finally some photo cred!
@hater1can you stop posting about your relationship already?! NO ONE CARES
@brother_timothy_frantzich I hope he's treating you right @evie.cv . You let me know if he doesn't😑
@evie.cv@brother_timothy_frantzich yes he is treating me perfectly, I feel like a princess whenever I'm around him but I'll be sure to let you know if he doesnt 😊love you pop
@user1 wait I'm confused... I thought @jeffcv was your dad? @evie.cv
@evie.cv @user1 yes he is but Tim is like a second dad to me and carrie like a second mom so I call them mama and pop xoxo
@user1 awww cute @evie.cv
---------- When you getwriters block so just keep making ig posts as filler chapters😂❤