I woke up in my own bunk for the first time this whole tour. It was almost over. The boys had one last show and then we were all going home. I was gonna go to portland with Daniel and jonah was going to minnesota but I was visiting him in 4 weeks. After all his family did look after me for almost a year.
I got out of bed and walked around the bus checking to see who was around. It was empty. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV to watch the latest episode of walking dead.
(Spoiler alert for walking dead!!I'm still not over Carl! He was literally my favorite and I was so excited to see his character develop into an adult but now that's not gonna happen. I'm hoping they'll focus on Enid a lot now though and how she is dealing with it. I really want to understand her character more because she seems so mysterious to me. Like I know about her parents and things but I really want more insight to how her mind works. Okay back to puppy dog eyes spoiler over)
Out of nowhere jonah jumped out and scares me! I almost shit myself before throwing a handful of popcorn at him as he turns the TV off. "Oh MY GOD!! Jonah you know it's basically illegal to turn the TV off while I'm watching walking dead! Do you know how hard it is to avoid spoilers?!"
"Ye well the last show of tour is at 7 tonight and I really wanted to be the kind of boyfriend who plans cute dates while he's on tour but then my girlfriend started cheating on me with rick grimes"
I roll my eyes. "It's not my fault Andrew Lincoln is a dilf!" He laughs and pulls me off the couch. "Please come" he lets theoy puppy dog eyes take over. Knowing ill give in. I smile "I was planning on it. But next time tell me before I start the episode!" He laughs and pushes me to the back of the bus. "Okay get dressed and then come meet me outside. Wear something cute but comfy... if you want to!" I laugh at his sudden outburst of excitement and get changed.
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I stepped outside and jonahs eyes widened.
" I know right, who would have thought I own nice clothes?!" He laughs and I look down.
"You don't like it do you? " jonah pulls me into a hug. "It's just a little out of my comfort zone... that's all" "Go on, go put on a hoodie" I smile and go change into his grey wdw hoodie. "That's better" he smiled and he picked me up. I cuddled into his chest and he put me down. I gave him a pouty lip. "What? " he laughed "I was comfy" I crossed my arms and pretended to huff. "I know you evie, if I left you there you would have fallen asleep" "Nu-uhh!" "Yu-huh!" After 5 minutes of Nu-uhh and yu-huh he intertwined our fingers and started swinging our hands back and forth. "I love you baby" "I know you do" I kept looking straight ahead "Hey!" "That's what horses eat" "Say you love me too!" I giggle to myself "Say it evie!!!!" He shoves me lightly and I laugh " say it evie! Please?" He flashes me the puppy dog eyes and I can't ignore him anymore. He's too cute.
"I love you" I tug his sleeve and pucker my lips a little. He picks me up and we kiss. "It's cute that you have to ask for a kiss" "Hey leave my height alone! Giant!" He laughs me off and I look up at him for another kiss. We can feel people looking at us and then we definitely heard a few awes.
We pull away and look around noticing a slight crowd had gathered. I hide my face in his chest and he laughs.
"JONAH can I get a picture?!" We notice that the majority of the crowd are limelights so jonah takes pictures with them and signs stuff. Some of them even ask me for photos and autographs which feels nice. All of a sudden jonahs eyes widen and he grabs my hand.
"Jojo what's wrong?" I lean into his side and he gulps.
A blonde girl walks up to him and places her hand on his chest. "I didn't think I'd see you again Jojo. Guess you just couldn't resist coming back to me" she strokes her fingers up and down his abs before pulling my hand away from his and replacing it with hers. Jonah flinches and tries to take his hand back. She doesn't let him. Jonah looks over at me. She follows his gaze and shoots daggers at me.
"What are you looking at?! He's mine now. He slept with me you know!" Jonah takes this opportunity to regain control of his hand and grab mine.
"No I didn't. I pushed you off me and forced you to leave! You signed a contract promising not to say anything! Now if you don't mind we have dinner reservations that we're about to be late for!" The other limelights stood dumbfounded and he pulled me away from the crowd. He pulled me into an alleyway and hugged me. "I didn't do it I promise evie! She's lying! I love you evie... please believe me!" He was shouting and I saw some limelights appear at the entrance of the alleyway with their phones up filming it. I shook my head at them and they just laughed. I look at jonah who had buried his face into my shoulder trying to hide from the camera. He was crying his eyes out. I rubbed his back and then left him by the wall for a minute. "It's okay jo, I'm gonna go ask them to leave okay? I'll be back in a minute." I kissed his forehead as he crouched down against the walls. Trying to control his breathing. I ran over to the girls trying to be as quick as possible.
"Guys I'm so sorry but please don't film this. The guys have their public life and their private life. This is something jonah wants kept in his private life." "Are you breaking up with him?" The girl gave me a glare as I stood shocked. Who knew an 11 year old could be so rude. "No I'm not. But you need to leave now please." "Sorry no can do. I own a why don't we drama room account on insta and we need some new drama to post."
"Are you serious right now?! Do you know how hurt he is and you're worrying about your followers?!" I was getting angry by now and honestly wanted to rip her phone out her hands and delete the footage but who knows what that would cause. Luckily I was saved when a middle aged woman appeared. "Katie there you are! Mia your mom wants you." The girls friend rolled her eyes and left. "Are you okay? What are you doing in an alley?! Oh my God is that not one of the boys from your band?! Katie stop filming this!" She took the phone and deleted the video.
"I am so sorry. I deleted the footage and she'll be deleting her account too. I hope he is okay. I really do" she put her hand on my arm and I said thank you before returning to jonah.
I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked up. Immediately pulling me into a hug. He kissed my cheek over and over again before looking at me.
"Are they gonna post it?" "No their mom made them delete it. You're all good." "I'm sorry evie" "For what?! Being so hot that everyone wants to get in your pants?!" He chuckled and then looked at me. "You really think I'm hot, huh?" I laughed and kissed his cheek. "So hot" I pulled him up and he wrapped his arm round me as he checked his phone. "Shit we're half an hour late for our reservation! They've given our table away..." "Jojo I don't care. As long as you're okay I'm happy" "But I really wanted to take you on a cute date while on tour!" "Picnics are cute" I smirk and he picks me up. "Picnic it is. Let's go buy some food!"
We spent the afternoon in the middle of a huge field sat on a blanket eating picnic food and taking cute pictures for instagram. It was the perfect date.