Keri smiles at jonah. "There's no need to be sorry, jonah. You make my daughter happy when she is down. But God help you if you hurt her. She's my baby now, you hurt her, you hurt me" Jonah looks scared, I giggle and kiss his shoulder. He puts his hand on the small of my back and rubs it a little with his thumb. I smile and lean into his side. He looks down at me and kisses my head. Then my cheek. Eventually we're making out again. He has me in his arms against the wall.
"Okay, dude maybe you can kiss my sister when I'm not here?" Daniel speaks up. We laugh and I give jonah one last peck before wrapping my arms round his neck and lay my head in the crook of his neck. I notice that Anna and Esther had filmed the whole thing. I choose to ignore it and nibble at jonah's ear leaving a trail of kisses down his neck before closing my eyes and going to sleep in his arms.
I was woken up by a light shove. I rolled over. "Hey jojo" I said smiling snaking my arms around him. "Jojo is over here babe" I turn my head and see jonah sitting in the chair. It was Tyler I was hugging.
"Jonah I'm so sorry I thought it was you I didn't mean it! He 's my brother I would never do that to you.." Jonah walks over to me and plants a quick kiss on my nose. "I know princess. It was an honest mistake" he smiles at me. "You're cute when you panic" "You're cute all the time" I say poking his stomach. I put my hands out for him to pull me up off the bed. I cuddle him. His skin is cold. He hasn't got a shirt on, like always. What's with this kid and not wearing shirts? Oh wait. .. I stole them all. "My mom said I have to take you to the mall so you can get a dress for tonight." "Really?! A dress? Do I have to??? Why can't I just wear one of your hoodies?" I plead and he smirks "I knew you'd do this" he laughs
"What's wrong with wearing a dress?" Tyler asks, puzzled. "She's not like other girls, she's better than them" he smiled down at me and kissed my head. He had been hugging me this whole time gently swaying to and fro. "I hate dresses and I hate make-up" I explain. " I don't wear cute summer hats I wear beanies. I don't get excited over flowers, I get excited over pizza." I laugh, hoping he understands that I'm trying to say I'm a tomboy.
"Dude my new sister is awesome" he laughs "but no eating my pizza!" We all fall onto the bed laughing and then we finally go out to the mall. I really don't want to wear a dress so we compromise and get something cute and smart but comfy.
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We go chill at jonah's house for an hour or two before it's time to leave. We meet the seavey's at the restaurant. I looked really out of place because everyone was in suits and dresses. Jonah took off his blazer and tie to try and make me feel better. He put his arm round me and kissed my cheek. "I'm gonna miss you when you move to portland" I hadn't thought about that. He looked like he was gonna cry. I moved over onto his lap and leaned back into him holding his hand. A tear escaped my eye and started to roll down my cheek. Jonah wiped it away quick enough that on one noticed. He kissed the top of my head and whispered just to me, "It's okay we don't even know if you will move and even if you do, I'll come and visit you all the time" he wraps his arm around me and hugs me tight. Keri looks at us. "Everything okay you two? You look really down all of a sudden" I look up at jonah and he kisses my nose, "Go ahead evie " he tries to smile but I can tell how much this is affecting him. We haven't spent a day apart since we met. "Umm.. I was just wondering where I would be staying now that you adopted me,thank you by the way." Daniel looks at me, a smirk taking over his face. "Well it depends. Do you wanna live with me, the best brother in the world? Or him the okayest boyfriend in the town?" I looked up and kissed jonah. "He's perfect" I stick my tongue out at Daniel. Daniel pretends to do a sassy hair flip and then laughs. His smile falls from his face. "Seriously though evie, you gotta choose where you want to live." "Are you seriously gonna make me choose between my two favorite people?" Dani smiles"Aww I'm one of your favorite people!" "I was taking about anna" I smirk and Anna sticks her tongue out at him, stealing a fry from his plate. In return Daniel steals a handful of hers and puts them all in his mouth at once. "Daniel sweetie, 18 years and you still don't know not to steal Anna Seavey's fries?" She smirks and takes his whole steak of his plate. Cutting it up and popping 3 big chunks into her mouth. Everyone laughed for a few seconds but then all eyes landed on me. They wanted an answer.