chapter ● 20

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January 1st

It was new years. Everyone had just gone to bed after watching the firework display we had created in the garden. I was awake. Lying in jonahs arms. I couldn't sleep. How could I? Today was the last time I was gonna see jonah till he gets back from tour. That's like 6 months at least. I have to be up in a few hours. We leave at 7 to fly back to portland. I was excited to live with my new family but me and jonah hadnt spent a day apart since we met.

I started crying. Trying not to wake jo but I fail.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He whispers tightening his grip around me. I feel safe. That makes me miss him more. I already miss him and I'm not even gone.

"I don't wanna leave, well I do but I wanna be with you. I don't think I can do it without you jo" I cry into his chest. Creating a tiny puddle.

"Evie,  you lived without me for 16 years. You can do a few months. You can take as many of my hoodies and shirts as you want and you have wes" he smiles tapping the bears nose against mine. I laugh slightly.
"Daniel will take good care of you evie,he's your brother"

"But jo, you guys go on tour next month. Then I won't have either of you" I sob harder.

"We will facetime you everyday. We will talk all the time. We will still be there for you evie. And when we can't talk you'll have Jeff and keri and Anna and Tyler.  My mom and dad are always here for you and so is Esther. And if you ever want a laugh I'm gonna persuade my mom to get svea a phone so you guys can facetime."

I smile. Svea is the sweetest... I may even love her more than jo.

My alarm goes off. Ruining everything,  reminding me that I have to leave him. I hit snooze. Jonah looks down at me.

" evie you can't be late" he smiles. I cuddle into him.
"Just 5 more minutes. This is the last time I'm gonna get to cuddle you in ages." He kisses my forehead. One of his tears land on my cheeks. I look up and kiss him.

"It's okay jo, I'll never stop loving you, no matter how far apart we are" he cups my face with his hand.
"This is why I fucking love you" he smiles faintly before hugging me.
"Let's get you ready."

I change into a different hoodies to the one I slept in and some black skinny jeans.
"You're wearing jeans on a flight?" He laughs.
"I've got nothing else.. besides I think they're comfy"
He laughs me off and then I see him open my suitcase.
I walk over to him and jump on his back
"Whatch'ya doin'?" I ask and he giggles. Making me fall in love all over again. I gonna freaking miss this kid.
He gestures into the suitcase. I look into the suitcase and see his grey why don't we hoodie and a bottle of his cologne.
"I know that's your favorite hoodie and that's for when they stop smelling like me." I kiss him on the cheek.
"But it's your favourite hoodie too."
"Knowing that you're a little bit happier makes me way happier than a hoodie ever could" I jump down from his back and hold his hands. A tear rolls down his cheek.
"Evie seavey, I love you with all of my heart. And I promise that no matter how far we are, I will never stop being loyal to you, I will never stop missing you and I will NEVER stop loving you"
I nod. Trying to tell him the same but not getting the words out. We just hug when Daniel comes in.
"YO Evie we need to go we're getting breakfast at the airport... oh umm I'm sorry guys. I didn't realise you were saying goodbye.." I give him a weak smile through the tears.
"It's fine dani,  I'll be down in a second" he gives me a weak smile before running off.

Jonah shuts my case and zips it up. I look at the ring on my finger and hold my hand up so he can see it too.
"I'm yours" was all I managed to say but he understood. He gave me one last hug before kissing me and then grabbed my suitcase "come on" . We get to the bottom of the stairs and he puts down my suitcase and grabs my hand. Esther,svea, carrie and Tim are all at the door, tear stained faces. Svea runs up and hugs me.
"You're the best sister I ever could ask for evie" I choke back tears. She called me her sister. I love her so much. Esther comes up  to me and hugs me
"You're gonna do great, don't forget to facetime Me everyday" I laugh and give her a hug. Tim and carrie wave as sawyer runs up to me, he looks sad, as if he knows what's going on.
I bend down and pick him up.
"Thank you so much for leading me to this family. You truly are the best dog ever"
I jump onto jonah holding on tighter than I ever have. I don't wanna let go. I hug him for a good 5 or 10 minutes when eventually Tyler has to come and get me off. I feel jonahs arms go limp as he lets go and I look up to see his face covered in tears and puppy dog eyes staring down on me. He looks at everyone else then at me. I don't care anymore this is the last chance I'm gonna get. I nod. He cups my face and kisses me. I place one hand on his waist and the other on his chin. It last around 3 or 4 minutes before we pull away and try to smile. We laugh a little before hugging again.
"I love you jonah marais Roth frantzich"
"I love you more evie seavey"
"Nu-uuh" I smile and kiss him once more.
Anna comes over and places her hand on my shoulder.
"Toots we gotta go" she shoots me a sympathetic smile before taking my hand. Jonah hands me wes and I hug it.  I lean onto Anna's shoulder as svea comes up holding sawyer. She beckons me down, and whispers in my ear.
"I've never seen jonah cry before, he must really love you. Maybe even more than I do" I give her a hug trying not to squash sawyer and look back at jonah. He runs a hand through his hair before wiping his eyes. He gives me a slight wave and attempts a smile. I wave back and walk arm in arm with Anna.  Getting in the car. This is the hardest goodbye. I look out the rear window and see jonah leaning against a tree, it looks like he's crying. Esther goes over to him and hands him a box. The present I left for him...


GUYS I've never cried so much writing a chapter. Why do I do this to myself?! My parents saw me crying and I had to blame it on a story in the news😂😭

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