We go back home to jonah's house and find places for my new family to sleep. It feels good to call them family. Me and jonah go upstairs. I flop on the bed. "Ughhhhhhhhhhh" I whimper a little bit until he takes the hint and comes over to me. "What's up babe?"he kisses my hand. I decide to test him, God I'm a difficult girlfriend. "I'm fine" I say, obviously not fine. "Ya think I'm stupid or something? Tell me what's wrong before I tickle you" he smirks
"Okay okay test passed I'll tell you. Basical-" "You were testing me? Well at least I passed. Now what's wrong" he pouted and then smirked.
" sorry. Okay so I don't know how I'm gonna choose where to live. I love you and I don't wanna have a minute away from you but they're my family and I don't want them to feel abandoned like I did" I sigh and then groan "Life is haaaarrrd" I say I lay my head on his lap on the verge of tears, only one escaped.
"Well me, your spectacular, amazing,glorious,beautiful, godly-" "Okay yeah your a perfect boyfriend I knew that already" I smile at him
"Okay so I had an idea. If they're up for it the seaveys could move here" I smile. Now I just have to hope they're on board.
We decide to go to bed now. Jonah gets changed into grey sweatpants and I change into my favorite hoodie of his.
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I can literally fit my whole body inside it and it smells like him a lot so I love it.
Jonah fidgets with my fingers a bit before looking at me. He didn't say any thing he just cried. One tear slipped down his cheek, and then the next and soon there was a whole river. I held him in silence tracing letters on his back to spell 'Evie Roth Frantzich'. Once I had finished spelling it all out I figured he had enough time just crying and probably wanted to talk about it. I was going to tell him it'll all be okay and that he's the only one with the key to my heart. But I couldn't. Because when I opened my mouth no sound came out. I choked on my words and then the tears just started to pour. We held each other, crying. It was all too much to handle. In less than a week my parents had moved without telling me,disowned me and now I had to decide if i wanted to move to portland with my new family or stay here with the love of my life...
We lie down still crying into each others shoulder, when jonah finally falls asleep. I go over to his desk and write out a note in his notebook.
'Gone for a walk. You know where to find me if you need me- E'
I put on the sweatpants that I stole from Christina and grab my phone and earbuds. I go to my secret spot. I'm not even out the driveway before I feel a hand holding mine. It's jonah. Esther is behind him. 'What? I told you where I was going. Please just let me' 'Let you go wandering the woods at 1 in the morning? No thanks babe. I'm coming with you, you don't have to talk to me or acknowledge that I'm there you can still have your time to think. I'm just making sure you don't get murdered' he tries to smile convincingly but fails. He still has a tear on his cheek. I reach up and wipe it away. ' go put a shirt on at least. It's December in minnesota are you crazy?!' I force myself to laugh just so he will smile. His face lights up. 'It's December 3rd. ' I give him a puzzled look. ' there's only 22 days till Christmas. ' He picks me up 'Evie , I promised you the perfect Christmas and I'm gonna deliver.' Me and Esther look at each other and confused but im grinning like an idiot because of how adorable he is. I kiss jonah's face multiple times. "I love you jojo" he puts his forehead against mine. "I love you too, more than anything"