chapter ● 10

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I woke up in jonahs arms. He wasn't awake and looking down on me like usual and his cheeks were stained red. Had he been crying?

I look over and Christina is gone with a note on her bed
"You wouldn't wake up and we were hungry. We've gone to Chipotle,jonah said he'd stay with you. Somethings not right about him though. He won't say what."

I walk over to my bed again and sit next to jonahs.  I gently wake him up and he looks at me.
"Baby what's wrong? Have you been crying?" I ask,concerned about him.

He looks at me for a minute or two, expressionless. Then the puppy dog eyes I know too well overcome his eyes."I'm yours right?" He asks me fighting back tears and sniffing a little bit.

"What? Yes of course you are jojo! I love you  more than anything and anyone, i would never leave you" I pull him into a hug and rub his back. Slightly hurt that he doubted my love. Do I not make it clear enough? It's cute when he's upset but it also shatters my heart into a million pieces.

I look up at him and he looks down at me.
"So you wouldn't leave me for someone else? No matter who they were?" He says sounding worried. "Of course not, I have everything I could ever want and need right here" I say pulling him into a hug again. A tear rolls down my cheek. It hurts so bad to see him like this.

"Why are you saying all this jo? What's gotten into you ? You can tell me anything I promise" I grab his hand and kiss the back of it.

" well um last night I went downstairs to get some water and zach was down there. He seemed worried about something so I asked him what was wrong and he said that you were super cute and he was trying to think of a way to ask you out. I didn't have the heart to tell him we were a thing"

"Aw jojo come here" he lays down and places his head in my lap while I play with his hair. He puts his head in his hands and just breaks. He sobs and I rub his shoulder. " jo your mine and nothing could ever change that. I promise you ill never leave you okay? And if you ever leave me I would be broken,there wouldn't be a point in me living anymore because you are my world." He rolls onto his back, wipes his eyes and looks up at me. My face is now covered in tear stains as well.  He looks broken.

"Evie I love you so much and the thought of losing you makes me insane. I NEED you. I don't know how I ever lived without you." I had started stroking the outside of his thigh that was nearest me and he grabbed my hand.
"I jonah marais Roth frantzich promise on My life that I will never hurt or leave evie" he gives me a weak attempt at a smile but it fades quickly.

I smiled at the sentiment of what he had just said and kissed his knuckles.
"I evie promise on my life that I will never hurt or leave jonah marais Roth frantzich"
He sits up on the edge of the bed and I straddle him sitting on his lap. We lean in so our foreheads are touching and then we just kiss. It feels so right.

We have been cuddling and kissing for the past 20 minutes when halfway through one of our make out sessions, we are interrupted.

"Seriously jonah?! THE ONE GIRL I REALLY FREAKING LOVE AND YOU CAN'T EVEN LET ME HAVE HER?!" we turn and see an angry zach in the doorway. I make eye contact with him. Nothing. His eyes show no emotion.He is empty. He doesn't know what to feel.

He storms out and runs downstairs. We hear the front door slam.

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