chapter ● 13

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It had been 3 days since everything happened. The seavey's flew out to minnesota to sign the adoption forms and for me to meet them. I only knew Daniel.

Everyone keeps trying to comfort Mr but honestly I'm fine. Think about it, the parents I hate moved away from me AND my best friend is Now my brother! I parade around beaming with delight and people finally accept that I'm genuinely happy.

"We thought it would be nice if we took you out to dinner tonight evie, yes your boy toy can come too" keri (Daniels mom) giggles. I just stand there looking confused, what is a boy toy?
"I'm talking about jonah" she finally gives in and explains "Daniel told me you were a thing. Are you not? " I feel my cheeks heat up. What if she doesn't approve? He is 3 years older than me. (Pretending jo is still 19 in this) jonah picks me and smashes his lips into mine. Woah. This kid needs to stop doing this to me, im gonna have a heart attack soon! We both smile into the kiss and then pull away, leaving our foreheads touching. Suddenly we remember that everyone is still there. He puts me down but holds my hand, fidgeting with my fingers "sorry Mrs seavey" he looks down, we are both terrified she'll make us break up. I look up at him and give his hand a squeeze. I mouth 'I love you' and he smiles for a second before the puppy dog eyes take over. He's about to cry, I can tell.
I want to hug him but I can't,not after what just happened.
We look at keri with hope in our eyes.

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