chapter ● 15

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I looked at everyone. Silent. Not wanting to choose between them. I look at jonah as if he has the answer. He just shrugged and furrowed his eyebrows in empathy.
He kissed my head and whispered to me, "no matter what, I will always love you. You're the only I girl I am ever going to give my heart to" .
This set me off. I turned into jonah's shoulder and cried. He rubbed my back soothingly and I could sense everyone exchanging glances.
"Sweetie we're in no rush to get back to portland.  You can take your time, and get back to us when you're ready" Jeff (Daniels dad) put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a light shake to reassure me. I gave him a smile, it felt good to have time. But I knew I didn't have forever. I wiped my eyes dry and returned to my seat from jonah's lap.

"Sorry about that" I said quietly,  embarrassed at the scene I had caused. Daniel walked over to me and rested his hands on my shoulders, massaging them lightly.
"Don't apologise, it's good for you to let it all out, you've gone through a lot" he kissed my cheek and returned to his seat. Less than a day and he's already the best brother I could ask for.
Jonah had his head on my shoulder and his arms around my waist he squeezed me as tight as he could
"I wuv ooo" he said in a high pitched baby voice. I couldn't help but smile at his childish tendencies.
"Okay okay, I kinda need to breathe jo" I laugh and he let's go.
"Sowwy babe" he looks at me like a 4 year old in a candy shop. I ruffle his hair and he kisses my cheek repeatedly. I turn my head quickly in between kisses so he ends up kissing my lips.
"I win." I grin at him and he pretends to huff. I kiss his shoulder.

-Filler chapter. Sorry guys ❤

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