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"Yo dad?" Jonah walked over and sat next to his dad rubbing his hands together and blowing into them slightly. He gave me a nervous look and beckoned me over. I stood behind him and rubbed his shoulders attempting to somewhat relax him.

"Yes jonah?" Tim put down his newspaper and gave me a soft smile. "Everything okay bud?"

"Me and evie need to talk to you and mom"
"Y-you two didn't break up did you?" The pain in his dad's eyes was weirdly reassuring. Made me certain they wanted me as a part of the family and therefore, are more likely to give us their blessing.

"No no no" jonah chuckled "she's not getting rid of me that easily dad"
I pretend to pout before letting out a small giggle;Carrie entered the room asking what was going on.

"Jonah and evie said they needed to talk to us. No clue what about but I'm only so patient you two so... OUT WITH IT!" Tim chuckled as Carrie sat next to her husband.

"We... sorry you say it.. no YOU" Me and jonah collapsed in a fit of giggles as we both spoke at the same time.

"We're getting married in 2 months!" Me and jonah pulled Carrie and Tim into a hug and instantly began to cry ad they sang their praises and blessings. It felt so good to finally let someone in on the secret.

"And evie's family have given their blessing?"

"I mean... they know we're engaged?" I tried to find a way around the question without lying. there wasn't one.

"guys you need their blessing.  Eve's too young fr you guys to not have their blessing."

"we will tell them... just Need to wait a bit..."

Tim stood up abruptly and walked over to the home phone that was placed in the kitchen.

"dad? everything okie?"
"oh yeah I just had a great idea, we can invite the seaveys down for a while and hey maybe while they're here you can tell them the big new- Oh hi Jeff!  yep um me and carrie were just wondering if you guys wanted to come over to minnesota again to see evie? we just thought it's been a while and it would be nice for you to see her again.... great! yep see you Saturday! ... big news? oh no I was just talking to svea about her schoolwork... no worries... yep okie dokie see you guys then! bye Jeff! "

"there you go, you can tell them on Saturday! "

"b-but Tim I'm not ready! what if they say no Tim?! I need to marry jonah, I need him!"

"evie, sweetheart calm down. everything will be okay, I promise. even if you two can't get married, there's no way they can come in between your love."
Tim walked over to me and held my head against his chest as jonah rubbed my back. I was so nervous, what would my parents say?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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