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(this will have the use of a bts ship throughout the story. If you will not respect the ships or will be mean about it, I suggest you stop reading now. I will pretty much only change it if they ever become uncomfortable with it.)

You and Namjoon had known each other for 3 years. He was the one to get you this job when you were still in school and looking to not be poor. He was the one who comforted you through all the downs of your life in the past few years. Now, he is the one who is trying to get you a boyfriend.

"Come one PLEASE!" Namjoon stated in a dramatic way, dropping to his knees and folding his hands together. He looked extremely desperate and you almost said yes. Almost.

"No" you stated simply. You did not need a boyfriend nor did you care to have one at the moment. You had your friends and that was good enough for you. You held Namjoon's hand as you walked through the park. You both were very close so holding hands did not matter to you guys. Namjoon pouted as he kept walking with you. You looked up at him, your height difference was drastic as you had only been 5 foot nothing. His pout changed to a wide smile as he slowly turned to you.

"What about Jin? He is hot." he kept his smile not caring if he said Jin was hot. He took out his new pair of sunglasses as he had broken his last ones. He tried putting them on only to snap them in half. He muttered a "dangit" under his breath. (DDAENG)

"Jin? Wha- pf-uh- he probably isn't single" you realized your mistake of not denying that he was hot or that you did not want to date him after you said it. You mentally facepalmed. Jin had been working there for about 4 months now and you both had gotten to be pretty good friends during the time. Namjoons smile got wider as he tried to stuff his broken sunglasses back into his pocket. He started laughing somewhat maniacally, slightly scaring you.

"I'm asking him tonight," he said. Everyone had planned on hanging out at Taehyung's house to binge 'the single person' (get my reference? No? o-okay). You did not bother to fight Namjoon knowing that he would not budge from his decision. Besides, you sort of wanted to know the answer to that question yourself... But that did not mean you would ask Jin out or anything.

"OH LOOK A FOOD TRUCK," Namjoon said as he pulled you along the street to the food truck.


You and Jungkook walked into Taehyung's house both screaming at the top of your lungs about some random thing.

"HONEY, I'M HOOOME" Jungkook yelled into the house.

"I HAS ALSO ARRIVED" you also screamed. You both could hear Tae muttering a curse as the both of you screamed. He walked into the room you were standing in.

"Hey, guys. Jin and Namjoon are already here and Jimin and Hoseok are almost. Yoongi is somewhere.." He looked up at the ceiling studying something then looked back at both of you. "Jungkook come help me with the popcorn. You both know I always burn the shi- stuff"

You looked at Jungkook and smiled. He just gave you a confused look. You rolled your eyes as you walked into the living room to find Jin and Namjoon talking to each other at opposite sides of the room. You couldn't help but smile knowing that they were getting along. You looked at them both trying to decide who to sit next to. You decided on sitting next to Jin since you hadn't seen or talked to him all day. As you walked past Namjoon he closed his eyes and scrunched up his face smiling. You took that as a weird sign.

"Hey guys, how are you both?" you said happily.

"I'm good," Jin answered.

"I'm great," Namjoon said enthusiastically.

"That's good to hear." you sat down next to Jin and leaned your head on his shoulder. "Tae and Jungkook- oppa are making popcorn" You rarely called them oppa as it made you feel weird yet you did anyway. You were only 21 (American aging) and were a few months younger than Jungkook but they did not treat you any different because you were the youngest or a girl (okay, maybe a little but it was only because you were SO CUTE according to Hobi)

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