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After everyone had eaten you all had taken turns using the 2 bathrooms in the house to get dressed and ready for the day. You wore a white oversized sweater and some jeans along with the boots you wore yesterday. (idk why that was important) Jin wore a black turtleneck with some black jeans. (idk why that was important either. Also, SHOULDERS)

With everyone leaving at around the same time you all sat in the living room and watched tv until everyone had to go. You did not have your car as Jungkook had driven you to Taehyung's house. You asked Jin if you could ride with him and he said yes (of course) so you did not end up having to walk your way to the park. You all said goodbye to each other and left Tae's house.

On the car ride to the park, you and Jin took turns telling cheesy Jokes to each other. You had used your phone to find jokes as you weren't that great at coming up with them but Jin had made them up without any help. At the end of the drive, both of you were laughing halfway to death (not really) because of the jokes. You had actually ended up making a joke about Jin's windshield wiper laugh that made you both laugh for a long time.

You both got out of the car when you reached your destination. Both of you couldn't stand up straight because of your giggle-fest. Once you had calmed down you looked at Jin and then at the playground, then back at Jin.

"Beat you to the swings," you said before taking off sprinting at max speed to the swings. Jin laughed before running two, getting ahead of you in a matter of seconds because he was taller than you and his legs were longer than yours. Both of you laughed even though he was winning. He got to the swings before you and turned around to see you still running after him. Finally, you caught up to him, out of breath.

"I win," he said proudly.

"Not fair, jerk" you stated back, hitting him playfully. You went and sat on one of the swings and gestured for Jin to sit next to you. He sat down and started to swing back and forth gently. You looked up at the clouds and started imagining what they could look like. You found one that you thought looked like sushi, a cow, and a lion.

"Look, that one looks like some sushi!" you said as you pointed to the cloud above you. Jin looked up at it.

"Nah, I think it looks like a cat," he said, focusing on the cloud." sushi cat," he said happily. You looked at him and giggled at his comment, then you got up and walked over to the slide and climbed up the ladder, going down the slide.

"OMG IM GONNA DIE" you screamed as you went down the slide, faster then expected. Jin laughed at your silliness and went over to help you up.

"Want to take a walk?" Jin suggested as he pulled you off the ground. Your height failed you again as when you were facing his chest instead of looking at his face. You looked up to see his face and agreed to his offer.

"But you can do the walking," you said as you ran around behind Jin and jumped on his back. "Why thank you, kind sir," you said as Jin just laughed and started walking. You sat your head on top of his and put your arms loosely around his neck. You found yourself literally sniffing in his scent a few minutes later realizing what you were doing and quickly stopped. At this point, you knew you had a little crush on him. It was nothing though, just a small, middle school crush... Right?

You (really just him) continued walking on until stopping at a small shady area beside a tree. Jin stared at it for a bit before deciding to stop there. He knelt down to let you off his back and you both walked over to the spot.

Jins pov

I watched as Y/n sat down on the grass in front of me. When I met her on the bus I thought she was pretty. Yet, now that I have gotten to know her, I think that she is absolutely stunning. She has an extremely unique personality, she could be extremely serious and down to business one minute, then the next she is childish and adorable. From her beautiful (H/L), (H/C) hair to her small cute feet, she was absolutely beautiful.

Y/n looked at me and smiled. Her smile, her smile was probably her best feature besides her personality. I smiled back at her while we both just stared at each other. I looked into her eyes. Her eyes were the most stunning (e/c) that I could have ever seen. Her small nose scrunched up as she made a silly face. I chuckled a bit. Her nose was adorable, the way she would scrunch up her face if she was frustrated would make me like her a bit more every time.

How I wished I could ask her out...she probably did not like me back though. Not in that way...

No hurt in trying though? Right?

Your pov

You had been staring at Jin for a while now, not realizing that you had been. It did not seem Jin noticed either, as he had been staring at you two. You had moved to now be laying on your stomach with your head resting in your hands. You were swinging your legs back and forth and messing with the end of your sleeve. Jin was sitting cross-legged.

"I'm handsome aren't I?"Jin said.

"What?" you giggled.

"You've been staring at me for a while now. Is there something on my face or am I just handsome?"

"Wel- uh" you blushed "I must be beautiful if you are staring at me," you said, trying to keep a straight face.

"You are," Jin said as you were sure you had turned into a strawberry at this point. You hid your face in your hands and giggled, embarrassed.

"Why are you covering your face? I thought I told you that you were beautiful." Jin took your hands and pulled them away from your face. "Why would you cover up something so amazing?"

"Well- you are more handsome!" you yelled accidentally, you meant to say something offensive but it did not work. Jin had grabbed both of your arms at this point.

"I was born handsome" Jin said. He took one of his hands back and brushed his hair back. "Can I kiss you?" he asked. You sat up.

You nodded your head in response, and with that Jin pulled you to him and crashed his lips against yours. His lips were soft and felt like they were made to kiss your own-

"EW MOMMY THEY ARE KISSING" a child screamed, interrupting you and Jin. You pulled away from Jin and looked at the child and their mother who had been clutching her chest with a daydreaming look in her eyes.

"Ah- young love. I miss those days" the mother said not realizing her child who was now pulling at her purse and taking her phone out of it. You started giggling, which turned into laughter, which turned into laughing so hard you were crying. The mom had realized her child was playing with her phone and apologized to Jin who said it was fine. Once they walked away Jin had joined in with your laughter, his windshield wiper laugh mixing with your own baby-like giggles you both were doubled over laughing.

Once you both calmed down Jin had grabbed your hand and you had started your staring contest again. This time it was Jin to interrupt the moment.



"Would you like to go out with me?"

(a shorter chapter... it's not great and it is cheezy but I mean.. what fanfic isn't?)

(1333 words)

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