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"I love you too," you said back without hesitation. Jin smiled and held your hand tighter. At that moment, you felt free. Free from the burden of people, free from your insecurities, free from pain. With Jin next to you, you felt safe. You felt that you would never need to worry about being hurt again or that you wouldn't have to worry about the way you looked. You loved him. It was the first thing you felt sure of since high school.

Soon you reached the restaurant. Jin never actually told you where you were going so you just thought you were going home. Instead, you were parked in front of your workplace. You did not question Jin and got out of the car. You tried to keep a safe distance from him as you never actually told the others you were dating for unknown reasons. You looked at Jin who was staring at the building before running into the said building. As soon as you were in you were met by Namjoon who was ready with your catchphrase not even knowing it was you.

"Hello we ar-" he was cut off by you almost tackling him in a hug. He was confused for a second before realizing it was you and wrapping his arms around you two. You had not seen him in a week as your schedules had been different but that was a week too long. He kept hugging you until he saw Jin walk in. He looked at you then back to Jin.

"What did you do to her?" he asked while letting go of you. Jin raised his hands in defense. You were crying again and Jin wanted to run over to you and wipe your tears away.

"I did not do anything, Namjoon. Though we need to tell you something. Well, two things." Jin said and Namjoon just nodded. He turned back to you and frowned, immediately hugging you again and kissing your head in a brotherly way.

"Okay, do we need the others or just me?" Namjoon asked. Jin just looked at you and you nodded. Jin told Namjoon you needed everyone and Namjoon left to go to Jimin's office to tell him he was needed with the others. Soon, both came out of Jimin's office and Jimin called Jungkook out of the kitchen and the others away from wiping tables or cleaning dishes. No one was in the restaurant and you hadn't had any customers in a while so you decided to Just close the restaurant for a bit. It wouldn't make a difference. Soon, you were all sitting in the large booth in the back of the restaurant. You stopped crying, temporarily.

"Okay- uh... do you want to tell them or me?" In the car, both of you had made an agreement that you would tell the others you were dating and about your problem. You just told Jin to tell them you were dating. He nodded his head. "Oookay we are dating," Jin said straightforwardly. He couldn't figure out any other way to say it. Namjoon just celebrated by doing a weird dance in his seat, Yoongi did not give a shit as Hoseok shook him yelling about how he knew it all along, Jimin and Jungkook made 'awe' noises and cooed at you both while Taehyung just smiled his adorable little box smile.

"OMG YOU TWO SHOULD KISS" Namjoon yelled as the both of you just looked at him. Then back at each other. Then back at him. You both silently agreed that no, you would not kiss. Now was not the time. Once everyone calmed down (besides Yoongi, he was fine in the first place) the mood in the room got darker. You thought about how you would tell them. It was a hard subject to talk about and you knew you would end in tears. You had known all of them for as long as you had worked at the restaurant or more, and trusted them with your life. You took a deep breath tears already starting.

  "Guys, I- I'm not comfortable with myself..? Uh I" you paused and felt angry "I hate myself. I'm a useless piece of shi- crap and I deserve nothing. I'm bad at everything and I shouldn't deserve the life I have." You said as a few tears left your eyes. Jin had you leaned against his torso with your head on his shoulder, hugging you the best he could with the way you had been set next to each other with a table in front of you. Namjoon had now stood up and walked over to you (both you and him were sitting at the end of the table) he crouched in front of you and grabbed your hand, in a brotherly way of course, and held it. He looked to Jin and Jin let go of you letting Namjoon take you and wrap his arms around you.  

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