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A day later you were let out of the hospital but you weren't allowed to work or anything because of your concussion and wrist. It had been hard with Minjun who was clingy and always wanted cuddles. The restaurant had been closed so you had Jin with you at least. At the moment, you were laying on the couch with Jin. Minjun had been asleep in your room. You were laying across the couch with your feet on Jin's legs who didn't mind it as much as you wanted it to. You watched some weird drama on the tv.

"UGGGHHHHH" you threw your uninjured arm back.

"What's wrong?"

"Life...and Namjoon's mind"

"I agree."

You turned back to the tv too soon hear Minjun's wails. Jin pushed your feet off him and got up to go get the baby. You sighed and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a sippy cup and putting milk into it then walking to your room to find Jin laying down with a crying Minjun in his arms. You handed Jin the cup who took it and pulled Minjun's paci out of his mouth and replacing it with the sippy cup. Minjun just knocked the sippy cup out of Jin's hand and started screaming.

"What is wrong baby?" you asked him.

"B-B-BAD DWEAM!" he kept balling his eyes out. You felt horrible so you sat down on the bed and pulled him close to you.

"It's okay baby. Mommy and Daddy are here. We won't leave you." It was late already so you decided that you guys could have some dinner. "Hey, do you want to help Daddy make dinner?" at this Minjun got quiet and only sniffled a bit and hiccuped. He nodded his head and Jin smiled.

"What do you want to make Prince?"

"Ice cweam and spwinkles?"

"What do you want for dinner, not desert?" Jin asked.

"Chicken nuggets and macwoni?"

"Okay then. Let's let Mommy rest for a bit okay?" Jin told Minjun and you looked at him thankfully. You honestly were in a lot of pain at the moment and you wanted to lay down. Minjun pouted but let Jin pick him up and carry him away.


In the kitchen, Minjun and Jin were making Mac and cheese. Minjun thought he could eat everything raw and tried to put everything into his mouth instead of using it to cook. At one point he even put a spatula in his mouth. Jin had to constantly watch him and make sure he wasn't touching the burner or sticking his tiny fingers into the cheese block. (which he had attempted but failed) Jin asked Minjun to hand him the cheese.


"Why not?"

"I wanna put cheese in." he crossed his arms.

"Okay, just be careful" Jin walked over to the cheese and cut off a tiny piece to make sure that he wouldn't drop it in and make the hot milk splash. He handed Minjun the cheese and Minjun giggled as Jin picked him up so he could reach the pot. He placed the cheese carefully down onto the pasta and giggled.

"I did it dada!"

"Yes, you did prince. Good job!" Minjun stayed on Jin's hip for the rest of the time they cooked. He didn't help much but it didn't bother Jin. Soon, the food was done and Jin had placed Minjun in his seat at the table before going to get you. Once he got into your room he saw you sitting on the bed wrapped in blankets on your phone.

"Dinnertime~" Jin sang as he walked towards you. You just stayed the way you were with a blank face. Jin frowned and walked over to the side of the bed before leaning over and put both of his hands at the sides of your legs. He then started kissing your entire face AND YOU STARTED GIGGLING. (omg I accidentally hit caps lock and it was just too perfect)

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