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"I love you" You sat with Jin on the couch. bored.

"I also love you" Jin replied as he took a sip of his drink. You pouted.

"Can I have a hug?"




"Can i have a kiss?"




"Can i... hold your hand?"


"WHY YOU NO LOVE ME" you stood up. "I'm just gonna go get kisses and hugs from Minjun then." you started skipping off to Minjun's room only to get caught and dragged back to the couch. You smirked as Jin pulled you to him and kissed your forehead, lips lingering for a bit. You moved your head and puckered your lips ready for a kiss on the lips. It never came though. Jin kissed every inch of your face except your lips. You frowned and Jin smirked back. He grabbed your hands and kissed them. You frowned more and rolled off the couch. Onto the floor. Hitting your head. You hissed.

"Hm. deja vu?" Jin said as he held out his hand for you to take. You took it and stood up, but before you could stand completely you were dragged back down onto the couch by Jin. He sat you down next to him and pushed your head into his lap. He smirked and you pouted again. He leaned down and kissed your forehead. "Let's see here. What part of you is beautiful?"

"None-" you were shushed by Jin. He kissed the top of your head.

"Here," he went down your body, leaving small pecks on your face, chest, stomach, arms, hands, legs, even feet. (okay so I literally refused to write that and a bit more here in a sec so thank you maci for doing that for me...also for every other part that you write that I won't in advance) You blushed and were really confused.

"You are cheesy" Jin scoffed.

"Just telling you how pretty you are, Jagiya"

"Shut it."


"Lol, no." You got up and walked to the bedroom. Jin followed and you sighed, changing your clothes and not caring whether he was there or not. He watched you and you wanted to slap him. Even though he was your boyfriend and you were comfortable around him, you didn't like being stared at. You grabbed one of Jin's hoodies and put that on. No pants. Because pants are ew. You hate pants. You flopped onto the bed and Jin walked away for about two seconds before immediately coming back and picking you up in a hug. You wrapped your legs (i originally spelled eggs) around his body and put your arms around his neck as he buried his head into your neck. You smiled and pulled away, expecting a kiss on the lips this time but no, you got a kiss on the cheek and was dropped. Jin walked away for a few minutes and came back in pajama bottoms and no shirt.

"You are mean"

"What are you talking about? I am amazing. I am the best boyfriend in the world. I should be given an award for that." Jin scoffed again and walked over to you. "Agh, queen. I'm so happy I met you."

"But am I happy I met you?" you teased Jin. "hmm... you won't give me a kiss so no, I'm not."

"Pfft. I doubt it, beautiful." Jin laid down on the bed and dragged you up towards him. You curled into his chest and played with his fingers as he played with your hair. "Wanna move in?"

"Huh? Isn't it to earl-"

"We share a child"

"Ehh good point. I guess that I could... it's closer to work and minjun wouldn't have to live in two houses... we wouldn't be having sleepovers every night... okay"

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