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"I'm gonna make breakfast for everyone. If you want to help you can" Jin suggested.

"Uh- yeah okay." You smiled at Jin who was now trying to fix his hair that had gotten messed up in his sleep. Once he fixed it you walked up to him and ruffled it again. He put on an offended face but it quickly went away as he laughed. You both walked into the kitchen and searched Taehyung's food supply for anything to make for breakfast. You found some eggs and Jin got bacon and bread out. Jin stared at the food.

"Bacon and eggs or french toast and bacon?" He smiled brightly.

"French toast! I think everyone would be happy with that." Your childish self-got the best of you as you clapped while Jin got powdered sugar out of the cabinet. You bounced on your feet. "What do I do?" You asked him as he started cracking eggs into a bowl.

"Uhm.. can you get the cinnamon and pour some into the eggs with milk, then mix it, please? I will start on the bacon." He asked politely as you smiled grabbing the cinnamon and milk and pouring a bit of each into the eggs and mixing it. Jin started cooking the bacon and checked on your progress with the eggs.

"Okay good, now you need to get the bread and just dip it into the eggs, I suggest not soaking it in the eggs. Just put it in, flip it and then put it onto the pan." as he said this he had put a pan on the stove and turned on the burner. (that's what it is called right?) You did as he said and took the bread putting it into the eggs and then onto the pan. You were glad Taehyung had a lot of bread. Each of the boys would probably eat two pieces. You would only eat one, so that made the count go down by one.

You tried flipping the toast but were failing miserably. You stuck your tongue out in concentration as you tried to work with the uncooperative piece of food in front of you. Jin laughed at your actions as he flipped a piece of bacon perfectly.

"You need help with that?" He asked as you looked at him desperately nodding your head in answer. You gave the toast a death stare as Jin moved towards you and grabbed your hand with the spatula, flipping the toast with your hand with ease. You blushed a bit while he did this.

You made a 'hm' noise and stared at the toast. As minutes went by you had gotten about 7 pieces of toast done when Jin had finished with the bacon. You had not burned any pieces (surprisingly) as Jin had told you when to flip the toast and when to put it onto a plate. Jin said he would take over the toast and you could get started on waking up the boys as he knew they would not wake up unless they had to. He also was not gonna be microwaving all of your hard work because they would not wake up to get it when it was hot.

You first went to Namjoon and Jimin who were sleeping with their heads leaned up against one another. You smiled at their adorableness and first woke up Namjoon in a not so pleasant way by grabbing his arm and shaking it back and forth, moving his body as to not wake Jimin but definitely waking your best friend. He woke with a "BUT I LOVE YOU" (OMG I LOVE YOU TWO NAMJOON) and then realized he was in the real world and hid his face in embarrassment.

You laughed and went to Jimin once Namjoon had moved away. Jimin had now moved and was laying down fully on the couch as he had lost his support to stay up. You placed your hand on Jimin's cheek and whispered to him as he had always been a baby to you even though you were younger than him.

"Wake up chim chim," you said a nice as you could. "Jin and I made breakfast" Jimin moved around a bit and finally sat up and stretched. He thanked you and walked out of the room. Your next mission was Hoseok, you thought of a way to wake him up and got an idea. He was basically laying on Yoongi at this point so you decided you could not be too drastic with your plan. You walked over to the couch that the two were laying on and put your hand on Hoseok's arm,

"Hobi wake up. Dance battle in the dining room" you said loud enough for him to hear. His eyes immediately opened and he shot up away from Yoongi who groaned in annoyance. Hobi ran out of the room and you laughed. Now it was time to wake up Yoongi, the last person in the world you wanted to wake up. You put on a sweet voice and told Yoongi that you and Jin made food.

"Go away. I don't want you here." Yoongi said as you tried to wake him up.

"Come on Yoongi. You don't want the food to be col-" you were cut off by Yoongi flipping you off. You decided 'screw it' and pulled Yoongi's arms up pulling him off the couch.

"Okay okay fine. Don't touch me peasant" Yoongi said as he glared at you and yanked his arms back to his own body. He walked away as you heard a whining Hobi coming from the other room. He was talking about how he was expecting a dance battle and that you lied to him. You felt a bit guilty but giggled anyways.

You walked down the hallway of the house to Taehyung's room. As you walked in you found him and Jungkook cuddled together on Tae's bed. You giggled slightly at the cute scene and walked over to the both of them. Shaking them both a bit you told them to get up.

"Wakey wakey french toast and bacey" you shook them a bit more until Jungkook started rubbing his eyes and Tae just pulled Jungkook in more."Wake up, guys."

You walked out of the room turning on the lights just to torment them and walked back to the kitchen to see Jin putting the food onto plates with Yoongi at the coffee maker making coffee. You smiled at the two and went to the fridge grabbing the orange juice (i don't like orange juice but ORANGE JUICE) and getting some cups. You walked over to Jin and told him that everyone should be awake

"Okay good. Can you ask if anyone wants to go to the park? The restaurant is closed again today so I don't have anything to do. I'm not sure if anyone would want to go or if they are busy."

"Yeah I will ask but if no one will go there will still be me!" You smiled happily as he smiled back. He finished putting everyone's food on their plates and you helped him take the food out and put it on the table. You sat next to Jungkook and Namjoon as you all waited for everyone to sit down you decided to ask if anyone wanted to go the park.

"Sorry, Jungkook and I decided we were gonna go to the movie theater" Tae answered while you nodded.

"I'm working on my music so no" Yoongi stated simply. You smiled at him, telling him it was fine.

"I really wish I could! But I have to go dance practice.." Hoseok said sadly "and I'm taking Namjoon with me"

Jimin had walked into the room now with a cup of water. He walked over to Hobi.

"I can't come. I have a dentist appointment" Jimin stated.

"Dirty water. Don't touch my faceu" Hoseok said as he pushed Jimin away from him.

"Okay. well, I'm glad Namjoon is going with you. He can't dance."

"Jimin?" Namjoon said.


"You got no jams"

And that was the end of that conversation.


(we will finish where we left off again next chapter. it will have more Jin in it I promise.. also something special might happen. love you! byyeee)

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