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You woke up in the arms of Jin in the soft hotel bed (lols how bout that shemxy time?). You breathed in the scent of him, that you shed in the months of living without him. You rolled around to look at his face. You traced every feature in his body with your index finger, wanting to remember every part of him. He woke up gracefully with a small smile on his lips.

"Good morning beautiful" he said to you in his deep morning voice.

"Morning" he leaned in to give you a kiss. You blocked it with your hand. "Nope. Brush your teeth first." He pouted and kissed your head instead. You shed the bed sheets and walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Jin followed behind.

After a shower, you put on some of Jin's clothes. You wanted to be as close to him as possible at all times today, so the bare minimum was wearing his clothes. It reminds yourself of all the times before when you would wear his hoodies around the house as you watched Minjun, or when you would wear his button ups to work.


When you checked out of the hotel, you got some of their free breakfast. (It was amazing. Great toast. You understood the 5 star rating after that). You drove back to Namjoon's apartment after that and picked up Minjun along with your clothes. Of course you were moving back in with him. You were already planning it before the date.the rest of the day was spent with your son and fiancé.


Once you picked Minjun up and had him strapped into his seat, his never-ending blabbering continued.

"An- an then Joonie hit his head on da wall cause he to tall an- an Tata and Kookie and Minnie all waughed at Joonie but i made sure joonie otay!" The baby clapped his tiny hands and nodded his head. Both you and Jin laughed. Minjun hugged his purple bear tighter and continued his story. You fiddled with your ring.


You went back to work the next morning. As you took orders and ran back and forth from the kitchen to your hungry customers, you thought about Jin and Minjun, and how you were finally going to be a family. Minjun's adoption was in a few weeks, and you were happy to know he was going to officially be yours. That was when you decided he would turn three, and it would become his birthday, since you didn't know when his real birthday was. Your train of thought was stopped when an elderly lady stopped you and grabbed your hand.

"Are you getting married?" you smiled at her.

"Yes ma'am i am" now you were beaming. She gave you a frail smile in return.

"It's a nice ring, your a lucky girl. I bet the man is lovely."

"He's the nicest person I've ever met"

"That's wonderful" she grabbed your hand with both of her shaky, bony fingers and shook it gently. "What's your name?"

"F/n y/n" at this, the lady gasped.

"That was my granddaughter's name' she looked puzzled. "Her mother stopped letting me see her when she was little-" she looked saddened yet happy at the same time. She looked at you.

"You sort of look like her dad... I can't say anything though. We all look similar in one way or another." She smiled at you. "I would love to take with you sometime. Oh! My name is Chiyun"

"I- I could talk with you after I finish my shift?" She smiled and nodded. "Okay"

"You should go back to work. I'll stay here until you get off." You nodded and looked at the clock. 4:23.

"It's gonna be about 2 hours. Are you sure you want to wait?" She laughed heartily at this.

"I'll be fine, nothing else to do. As long as you bring me some more tea" at this she took a sip of her teacup and you nodded, running off to get her tea. While you were walking, Minjun waddled up to you and grabbed your shirt.

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