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As it came time to order your food, you hadn't even looked at the menu.

"What are you going to get, Queen?" Jin asked you, sitting across the table from you, Minjun by his side.

"Agh, it's too expensive?" you tried to come up with a reason for not eating.

"Incorrect. Again, what are you going to get, my sweet darling?" you rolled your eyes.

"I'm not hungry Jin. Just hurry up and decide on what you want."

"Ywaggagagag bwabwa?" Minjun asked you returned with your own nonsense.

'Ah. dwadwab egga jagjag" You said as Minjun giggled. Jin crossed his arms.

"You aren't going to get better if you do this, y/n. Please just get something small. If you won't do it for me, do it for Minjun. If you are sick, you can't take care of him." you rolled your eyes and ignored him. He seemed to be annoyed and put his menu down. You kept playing with Minjun. The waiter walked over and took your orders. Soon, Minjun got bored again.

"Pone?" he looked at Jin, who said no.

"Not while we are here, prince," he told him. This resulted in a pout you thought he could have been able to trip over if he stood up. Minjun looked at you.

"Pone?" You frowned and shook your head no. His pout got deeper before he finally smiled. He started pulling up his shirt. You noticed this and snapped your fingers at Jin, who was staring at the wall. He jumped out of his daydreaming and looked at Minjun.

"G-yah! Prince don't do that." Jin said, pulling Minjun's shirt back down. Minjun pouted again and started sucking on his thumb. This time you reached across the table and pulled his thumb out of his mouth and instead replaced it with a paci. He accepted it and started pulling on his hair, taking out strands of it. This got you confused and you snapped at Jin again to stop him. Jin turned back around and saw him doing this. "No, no prince don't do that to your hair"

At this Minjun started crying. You panicked and looked at Jin, who was already going into 'mother' mode. (this is not to offend Jin or anything, it was just what I put...) Jin took Minjun out of his seat and sat him in his lap, rocking him gently. Minjun did not calm down and had spit out his pacifier, which landed on the floor. You picked up the thing and put it in your bag, whilst searching for something to keep Minjun entertained and to stop him from crying. Jin kept rocking him and was stroking his hair, shushing him. You found a random piece of paper and took out crayons and handed them to Minjun. He immediately stopped crying and took the crayons, starting his masterpiece. You and Jin both sighed, guessing that this was how it was probably gonna be for at least a year. Not that it mattered.

Soon, the waiter came back with the food. Minjun's food had been served with a plastic cat ear headband which Jin put on his head for him. You watched as Minjun ate messily, never once touching the fork or spoon next to him.

"y/n look" you looked at Jin. "please eat something. Here try this" Jin took some of his food and handed it to you. You sighed and put it in your mouth, only then realizing how hungry you were. You haven't eaten much in the past week and a half and not eating now only made it worse. You chewed the food and covered your mouth, savoring it. Jin smiled at his attempt and got some more of his food, already shoving it into your face. You were forced into eating it by Jin, who had it pressed to your lips the minute you removed your hand.

Minjun laughed as Jin forced you to eat. He thought it was entertaining to watch you struggle. You just gave him a look that wasn't angry or anything, just the 'im totally going to tickle you to death' look. He giggled more at this.

"Jinnie make mommy eat eats!" Minjun clapped his tiny messy hands together.


Soon you all were done at the restaurant and were back out in the cold weather. Jin was holding Minjun who had fallen asleep in the restaurant. You walked to the car and opened the door before taking Minjun and putting him into his car seat and buckling in his tiny body. This time you sat in the passenger seat. Jin drove again.

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