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"Okay" your voice came out at almost nothing but a squeak, yet Jin heard it. He pulled away from your hug with an excited face. He held your shoulders.

"Really?" you just nodded your head. Jin pulled you close and kissed your lips. The kiss was full of passion, both of your lips moving perfectly together, matching in movement. You put one of your hands up and caressed his cheek. You leaned into the kiss, deepening it. The both of you stayed like that for a while until you both pulled away, the warmth of his body leaving yours as he leaned back a bit. For some reason you wanted to cry, yet, you wouldn't. Not in front of Jin. Sure, you may have cried in front of him before, yet, that was when you were physically hurt. This time, it was just you being the crybaby you were and you did not want to be weak. Yet you were.

A tear left your eye as you smiled.

Jin's mother-like senses immediately kicked in as he saw you cry. He leaned forward and pushed the tear-off your cheek. "Why are you crying?' he said as he gently kept his hand to your cheek, aware of the bruise.

"I-I just... I've never dated anyone before and-" you sniffed and gave up on trying to explain it to Jin. Instead, you just leaned forward and hugged him, burying your face into his chest. "I'm sorry"

Jin hugged you back and sighed. The end credits of the movie finished and you looked up at Jin's face. You admired the details of his face, his pink plump lips and smallish eyes were what you liked the most. Jin looked down at you and smiled (they love smiling) you grinned back. You leaned up and kissed his nose quickly before getting up and grabbing your empty ice cream bowls and walking to the kitchen, putting them in the sink. Jin stood up off the couch and grabbed his DS, turning it on and putting in Mario Kart. He then grabbed his other DS, this one being pink. You walked over to him and looked at what he was doing. He handed you the pink DS. You took it.

"What are we doing?" you asked.

"Oh, we are only going to have a fair match in Mario Kart. that fine with you?" he grinned as you gave him a suspicious look but let him have his way. You both choose your characters. Jin was Mario and you were Princess Peach. Before you started the match you turned and looked at Jin.

"We should make a bet," you said.

"Alright, if I win.." he thought " I get to... oh! I get to take you out somewhere" you laughed.

"That won't be much, you already asked me out on a date. How about if you win, I will do anything you want. If you lose... I get to do your makeup." Jin shrugged. It seemed like a fair deal. You grinned and the both of you started the game.


(i shall torment you) You went to sleep in Jin's bed with Jin next to you. You both did not care that you were sharing a bed as you had done it before you were dating. Except for the fact that now you had been cuddled up against Jin without a care as you slept. You felt that you should not be so comfortable with the sudden closeness but you did not care. You just wanted to give your new boyfriend hugs. (omg my grammar I can't) You had your arm across his waist and your head on his chest as you listened to his steady heartbeat. He had his arm around your shoulder. The both of you slept peacefully.


Time skip to like a month later cause I'm a freaking lazy butt and I need a bit of logic so they can be a bit more comfortable with each other and- okay so basically nothing happened just kisses and hugs and stuff...

"Morning Cuddles" Jin said cooking breakfast as you walked into the kitchen stretching. You giggled a bit at the nickname.

"Why am I cuddles?" you asked as you walked over to the counter and sat at the barstool that sat at the part of the counter that went away from the wall.

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