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You had been woken up by an alarm clock. You frown and pulled yourself closer to Jin. (minjun was in his own room) Jin shook his head and pushed you away.

"We have to get up" he sighed.

"But I don't wannaaa" you whined and pouted.

"I don't either" Jin told you as he got up.

"Sob" you got out of the bed and walked to your closet grabbing both you and Jin's outfit for the day. For Jin, you got a grey shirt and black pants. Since he would work in the kitchen he didn't have to look as nice. The restaurant did not have uniforms for the waiters to wear, you were just expected to dress nicely. You chose a black long sleeved dress that went to your knees and a random necklace. You put your hair into a bun. Both you and Jin got dressed before you walked out of your room to make breakfast. Jin walked to the kitchen as you went to minjun's room. You opened the door.

"Baby~ time to wake up," You said to Minjun as you walked over to his car themed bed. He frowned and you frowned with him. You decided that he could sleep a bit longer so you bent over and picked him up out of his bed. He instinctively wrapped his arms around you and you carried him out of the room and to the kitchen where Jin was putting eggs onto a plate. You grabbed a pastry and shoved it into your bag.

"He isn't waking up. I want to let him sleep." You told Jin who nodded and handed you your plate of food. You sat Minjun down onto the couch and sat down next to him. Jin followed and plopped down onto the seat beside you. Jin watched you not take a bite of your food and sighed. He didn't do anything though. You sat your full plate of food down onto the coffee table and turned on the tv.


Once you were at work and had Minjun in his corner you were working on serving customers. It was a lot busier today and you weren't ready for the number of people. There was even a wait to get a table. Some people had wandered over to Minjun and would talk to him. You had kept a very close eye on the people but it seemed to be only little kids or sweet elderly people. Minjun seemed to like the company two.

As you served people you would run back and forth between kitchen and table. Each time Minjun wold wave high to you and you would wave high back and smile. You kept serving people until the end of the day. Your last customer was some teenager.

"Hello, my name is y/n. What can I get for you today?" you asked politely with your tablet in hand. The teen smiled at you.

"You are really pretty! What is your skincare routine? I wish I was as pretty as you!" the girl said as she looked up at you.

"Oh- uh... thank you miss. I don't really have a skincare routine... uhm... would you like to order?" you didn't really know what to say.

"Oh yes! I would like some *insert food here*" You smiled and nodded. The girl smiled and whipped out her phone. Sweet girl, you thought. You walked off to the kitchen, waving at Minjun and gave Jin her order. After that, you walked back to Minjun and picked him up. He was babbling to himself and you let him, walking off to Jimin's office. Once you got there, Jimin stood up from his desk immediately and walked over to Minjun.

"Helllooooo Minjunnie," Jimin said as he tickled the baby's sides.

"Yoonie and Minnie wuv eatoder like mommy wuv daddy" Minjun giggled. You stared at him in confusion and shock. Jimin did the same. Minjun giggled more and stretched his arms out for Jimin to take him.

"Where did you learn that?"

"Mommy n daddy say you guws wuv chother"

"Oohh" With that, Jimin called Yoongi into the office. He walked in looking like he was done with life but once he saw Minjun and Jimin he smiled his little gummy smile and walked over to them

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