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Hoseok pressed his hand into the small of your back. You held a fresh cup of tea and stared at the wall of the small cafe. It only brings back memories of your restaurant. Where you first ran in with Jin apologizing for being late. The day you first met him.

The bus stopped yet again as the traffic had been backed up due to a 4 car crash. This time stopping suddenly and knocking you over into the person in front of you who was holding onto the bar next to them for dear life.

"Oh- i'm so sorry" you stood up bowing quickly.

"It's fine" the voice was surprisingly calm "Are you okay? That was a bit of a hard stop..."

"Pf- uh- yeah im fine. Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" you asked, afraid that you had hurt the person.

"Yep. What is your name?" the unknown person finally looked at you. His face was amazing and you would have thought he was an angel if you had not known different. "Uh- sorry that seems weird... you don't have to tell me if you don't want to... I'm Jin" he held out his hand for a handshake.

"Hi Jin, i'm (y/n)" You took his hand and shook it. Not to your surprise (based on his amazing face...) his hand was extremely soft. You held it a bit to long until you finally realised and pulled away. You smiled awkwardly and decided to try to keep talking as both of you seemed bored out of your minds.

Where you first told everyone that you were unhappy with the way you were

"Guys, I- Im not comfortable with myself..? Uh I" you paused and felt angry "I hate myself. Im a useless peice of shi- crap and i deserve nothing. I'm bad at everything and i shouldn't deserve the life i have." You said as a few tears left your eyes. Jin had you leaned against his torso with your head on his shoulder, hugging you the best he could with the way you had been set next to each other with a table in front of you. Namjoon had now stood up and walked over to you (both you and him were sitting at the end of the table) he crouched in front of you and grabbed your hand, in a brotherly way of course, and held it. He looked to Jin and Jin let go of you letting Namjoon take you and wrap his arms around you.

Where you first met Minjun... and when he was left in your arms

"What can i help you with ma'am?" you asked as polite as you could.

"We asked for blueberry jam! Not strawberry. This is complete nonsense, i will never come back to this sad excuse of a restaurant ever again." You wanted to laugh and rip the lady's head off at the same time. You knew better though. The child was still crying and you looked at the small boy.

"I'm sorry little man, Taehyung will get you some blueberry jam" you looked at taehyung who looked relieved. He smiled and nodded his head, briskly walking off. You looked back to the mother, trying to get a clear look of her face, she just blocked you from seeing her. 'Anything else we can help you with?" the women nodded.

"Take my child" she muttered and quickly got up, leaving the kid to sit in his seat alone. You were dumbfounded as she walked quickly to the door before you realized what was happening.

All those times made you smile, even if it was a sad or scary moment. But now, they made you want to cry your eyes out. You looked as if you hadn't slept in days (which you hadn't) you wore an oversized black sweatshirt and sweatpants and your hair was tied up into a extremely messy bun that really shouldn't even be classified as a bun and your eyes were puffy and red.

You worried for Taehyung and Jungkook, both of the boys woke up from their comas a few days after you first saw them, the doctor has kept them in the hospital since. It's been three weeks since then. People around you laughed and you wondered how their lives were doing.

Where they genuinely happy?

Or where they laughing to hide their tears?

You finished your tea and Hoseok directed you out of the cafe. You both walked to the hospital, it wasn't far away and the cold weather didn't bother you. It had finally been a year since you first met Jin, the both of you were still on a break. You hadn't talked much, and you stayed at Namjoon's. He didn't mind, and you didn't care.

Once you got to the hospital you walked to the room the two boys stayed in. You walked in and saw them both on Taehyung's bed. Jungkook has his head in the crook of Tae's neck and an arm wrapped around the boy. Jungkook's casts were gone, but Tae wore a brace around his waist and back. He was paralyzed in the legs. He had gone through failed surgery to fix the damage. The doctors couldn't do anything.

Once they saw you, Jungkook scooted over a bit and said hello. Hoseok walked in behind you and shut the door.

"Hello Kookie, Taetae hyungs" you started calling the boys Hyung, trying to show them respect. Now, everyone but Namjoon was called Hyung because namjoon was namjoon and namjoon didn't like it.

"Hi hi y/n!" Taehyung said. He suddenly pointed to something in the corner of the room. "Look! I have a wheelchair now. I can move!" The boy said as Jungkook nodded, showing his bunny smile.

"Aw, that's great Tae!" You said. Hoseok walked over and started his own chat with the two as you sat in a chair nearby and stared out the window. Managing not to cry was a daily struggle for you. You thought about other things, Christmas, Minjun's birthday, his adoption that was coming soon. No one had wanted to adopt the kid, and you were planning to adopt him anyway. Soon, Hoseok called you and told you you needed to leave. You nodded and got up, planting a kiss on Jungkook and Taehyung's heads before walking out of the room.

Forgotten Hate ➵ k.s.jWhere stories live. Discover now