Meet the Sun Dragon.

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???: Cynder! Spyro! Guys, guess what!

The shouts could be heard from across the field. A leafy colorful dragon ran through the grass covered plain. His name is Camo, a Life elemental Skylander. Normally he'd be putting explosive peppers in Hugo's salad, but right now he was looking for the members of his club; Sunburn, Zap, Bash, Drobot, Hot Dog, Spyro, and Camo's girlfriend Cynder.

Camo: Guys!!!

Camo had told his club to meet him in their secret base, a wood cabin in the woods close to the Citadel where Eon lived and sent his Skylanders to and from missions all across Skylands. However, that was before Camo received a message from an old friend.

Camo practically rammed open the door and nearly torn it off the hinges, which surprised everyone. Though this wasn't the first time Camo had done this, you'd certainly wouldn't expect for him to rip the door off at any speed. Bash maybe, but not Camo.

Camo:(panting) Guys, you won't believe this.
Cynder: Oh my gosh Camo, are you alright?
Sunburn: If only he'd be like that when we're on missions😒.
Spyro: What's gotten into you Camo? You could've hurt yourself doing that!
Bash: Yeah, ramming into stuff should only be done by trained professionals like me and Spyro.
Drobot: I highly doubt that is what Spyro meant by-
Hot Dog: Whatever, did he actually hurt himself? I mean, this is Camo we're talking about.
Zap: If that's supposed to be a joke about how you hate him for annoying you all the time, then no one say anything about how it's pretty much impossible to hurt Camo. Between his healing factor and his thick skull he should be more then fine.
Hot Dog: Do you really have to be such a killjoy Zap?
Spyro: What is it Camo?
Camo: Whew, wow what a rush!
Cynder: Camo-
Camo: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm getting to it. Guys, you remember my pal Sun Dragon?

While most of the group seemed to know who Camo was referring to; Spyro, Cynder, and Hot Dog were confused. They never heard the name Sun Dragon before. Unless you count when some of the Skylanders met Spotlight for the first time and called her a "sun dragon" out of the fact she was a Light elemental Skylander.

Cynder: Sun... Dragon?
Camo: Oh, you never met him have you?
Sunburn: The last time any of us saw the Sun Dragon around here was before Spyro and Cynder came to this realm.
Zap: And that was long before Hot Dog became a Skylander.
Spyro: I'm guessing he's a friend of your's Camo?
Camo: More then a friend! He's a blood brother to me!
Cynder: Blood... brother?
Camo: You know how when two people cut their hands and put the cuts together so their blood can mix? Me and Sun Dragon are like that! While I was growing up in Treetop Terrence, which you guys should remember that's where my mother the Tree of Life is, I met the Sun Dragon. We became best friends, and he decided we should be blood brothers!
Hot Dog: Uh oh, if this Sun Dragon can get along with Camo of all people, then that must mean he's as annoying as Camo is.
Sunburn: He is an energetic sort. He wasn't one to settle down and-
Camo: Plant roots?(laughing)
Bash:(groans) Camo. (Sigh) What about the Sun Dragon?
Camo: After years of not seeing him, he's finally decided to come back and visit me!
Cynder: Oh what good news Camo!
Camo: And better yet, he said in his letter that he might reconsider becoming a Skylander!
Zap: He will!?
Spyro: Re-consider? Did he refuse your offer to become a Skylander last time he came here?
Camo: I wouldn't say "refuse," he just thought it was too much responsibility for a care-free dragon like himself. Plus you guys got me! One Life elemental dragon should be enough for the bad guys to handle!
Hot Dog: Ain't that the truth.
Cynder: He's a Life elemental? I thought from his name alone he'd be a Light elemental.
Drobot: Remember Cynder that we didn't always know of the Light and Dark elements.
Bash: Yeah. When we first met Sun Dragon we all thought he fit in with the Life element alongside Camo here.
Sunburn: But since the discovery of the Light element, Sun Dragon would actually fit in better with that crowd then the Life element.
Zap: But he looks like a Life elemental, with his green skin and his orange almost leafy frills.
Drobot: Looks can be deciving in Skylands, Zap.
Spyro: That's too true, Drobot. What powers does the Sun Dragon have Camo?
Camo: Well, he has the Sunblast ability I have. Oh, I remember he had the ability to summon fireworks! Kinda like Fire Kraken can! Oh we had so much fun with that.
Hot Dog: Oh boy.
Spyro: Fireworks huh? Sounds like he might be a Fire element judging from his powers. But I can see how he can be considered a Light elemental.
Camo: Those are just his basic powers. I wonder what other things he might be capable of!
Cynder: I can't wait to meet him, Camo. He sounds like a wonderful dragon!
Camo: Oh if you like me then you'll like Sun Dragon too, my little passion fruit! And he'll like you just as he likes me!
Bash: When is he due to arrive Camo? We might want to tell the other Skylanders about this, especially Eon and Hugo.
Camo: Oh Eon already knows. Where do you think I got the letter from huh? Speaking of which, Sun Dragon says he'll be here within the week! Come on! Let's go tell everyone about it! Woo-hoo!
Hot Dog: And he's rush came back.

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