Strong bonds

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*this chapter takes place in the same day as the last chapter*

Naturally the Senseis were mad with Bazookanine and Xilas leaving without their permission, especially since Bazookanine, Xilas, and their mechs were hurt and damaged by Tianhe-2's mutant transformations. However, Raven managed to convince them to wait until after Tianhe-2 had a chance to be repaired before giving Bazookanine a punishment. After all, Bazookanine built the robot, and he promised the thing to help repair him. The Senseis decided to allow Bazookanine to help repair Tianhe-2, but as soon as Bazookanine says whether or not Tianhe-2 can be repaired or not, he'll face up to his actions. Raven couldn't argue with that, though it's not like she tried. Mags and Dr.Krankcase went to help Bazookanine with the repair, but they had to close off the garage so they can be sure no one will just come in and accidentally mess something up.

As for Xilas, the Senseis decided that, considering his, um, unstable mind, he had ultimately went along with Bazookanine's plan and likely did it since him and Bazookanine were roommates. Besides, he had received some injuries and he needed to stay in the infirmary for a bit. Naturally the other students wanted to check on him.

Cosmic: Now you're sure your alright Xilas?😯
Xilas: Xilas feels great! Except my leg kinda hurts.
Sun Dragon: At least you and Bazookanine are alright. Things could've gotten a lot worse.
Kamua: Oooohhhh. You look terrible Xilas! Do you need anything to make you better?😦
Xilas: How about some food? I'm hungry. Doesn't matter what food. Xilas eats anything.
Kamua: Okey dokey! Anything coming up!
Poltergrin: I heard what happened guys! Oh wow, Xilas, are you okay?!
Xilas: Oh sure skeleclops sir! Xilas been through worse-er. Just ask nasty wolf man.
Poltergrin: Um... you mean Fur-
Monitar: Ssshhhh! Don't say it! I've seen it! He'll go AWOL if he hears you-know-who's name!
Poltergrin: Oh, um, ok... I guess. Hey, any word on Tianhe-2?
Sun Dragon: Nothing yet. They practically just started. They'll let us know if anything happens though.
Poltergrin: Alright. Hey Monitar, thanks for going in my steed. I really appreciate it.
Monitar: No prob bob. Happy to oblige.
Ihala: Poltergrin, I've heard you were interested in enrolling here. Have you decided to attend the Academy or not yet?
Poltergrin: Actually I have... uh...
Ihala: Ihala. My sister Kamua was the one you passed on the way in. You were saying?
Poltergrin: Well, Ihala, I've decided to attend here after all! I figured it'd be a good way to use these new powers of mine, and anything to get Scorpius back to normal!
Xilas: Hot dog skeleclops dude! Aaannnnd speaking of hot dogs! (Licks lips)
Kamua: Fresh chili dogs for a Mr. Xilas, right here! Hope you like it! 😄
Xilas: Like it? I LOVE IT!
Cosmic: *sigh* Classic Xilas, am I right?
Sun Dragon: (shakes head and chuckles) Oh yes.


Emolition: You want me to what?
Flaradise: I heard about how you can manipulate emotions to the point of breaking mind control. I could use your help to break Obleak out of his Darkness.
Alabra: Last I checked, Obleak wasn't being mind controlled. How-
Flaradise: True he isn't under mind control, or at least an obvious sign of it is seen in him, but whatever is causing him to be this way I'm sure Emolition's powers of empathy can overcome.
Mayflo: I-I don't know Ms. Flaradise. M-my brother doesn't really do that sort of thing a-anymore. With his... condition, y-you know.
Emolition: I only did it with Voltair and Terra so everyone could hush up. Their talking all at once was giving me a headache.
Flaradise: I had heard rumors that your emotionless state was so bad that you couldn't feel pain. Assuming that's true, how is it that discussing something can give you a headache?
Emolition: ...I get very tired sometimes... and noise keeps me awake... and staying awake too long makes my head hurt...
Alabra: It does?
Emolition: ... Let's just say that apparently the only emotion I do have left in me is depression... Severe depression now, after having no emotions for... three, four, maybe five years now... May knows the dates...
Mayflo: *Whimpers* D-don't make me s-say anything pl-please...
Alabra: No said you had to May. Ssshhh, ssshhh...
Flaradise: Please use your powers of empathy to help me with Obleak Emolition! My power of Light may not be enough to help him alone!
Emolition: "May" not be enough... You don't know if I can help... if it's even possible that I can ever help anyone in my state...
Flaradise: Now stop with such nonsense Emolition! So what if you can't be happy on your own? Doesn't make you feel any sense of good when you help someone?
Emolition: Like anyone even needs m-
Flaradise: I need your help Emolition! Obleak needs your help! Doesn't that make you want to do something with yourself?! Don't you want your little sister to know that, even with your loss of emotion, that you still have a pure heart?!

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